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李渔是中国古代著名的戏曲理论家。LI Yu was one famous drama theoretician of Chinese ancient.

郭嵩焘是近代中国著名的洋务思想家和外交官。Guo Songtao was a famous theoretician of foreign things in china.

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理论家知道一切编程需要知道的东西。The Theoretician knows everything there is to know about programming.

欧文既是空想社会主义的理论家,又是空想社会主义的实践者。Robert Owen is a theoretician as well as a practioner of utopian socialism.

中国著名文化学者,艺术理论家和散文作家。Yu Qiuyu is a famous scholar in China, artistic theoretician and essay writer.

“四人帮”,特别是所谓理论家张春桥,歪曲、。But the Gang of Four, and especially their so-called theoretician Zhang Chunqiao.

况周颐是晚清重要词人和词学理论家。Kuang Zhouyi was an excellent writer and theoretician of Ci in Late Qing Dynasty.

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这是教育理论界、实践工作者关心的问题。These are the problems which are concerned by the educational theoretician and patricians.

当理论家写代码的时候,他的代码是如此的“优美”,以至于我们这些凡人根本就看不懂。When The Theoretician writes code, it is so "elegant" that mere mortals cannot make sense of it.

维柯是思想史上第一个论证原始思维的理论家。Vico is the first theoretician who demonstrated the primitive thinking in the idealistic history.

几个月后,31岁的狄拉克获得诺贝尔物理学奖,是诺奖得主中最年轻的理论物理学家。A few months later, Dirac, at 31, became the youngest theoretician to win the physics Nobel Prize.

王朝闻先生是新中国马克思主义文艺理论和美学的开拓者与奠基人之一。He is a new china pioneer and founder of Marxism theoretician of literature and art and aesthetics.

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因此,记录、实验、和”解决“成为了理论家们得关键原则。Thus it is that writing, experimentation, "working out, " are essential disciplines for the theoretician.

霍顿法官是一个与莎士比亚作品中的伊阿古有相似文学价值的凶徒和恶魔,对无休止的战争有着自己的一套理论。Judge Holden is a villain worthy of Shakespeare, Iago-like and demoniac, a theoretician of war everlasting.

瓦萨的英语教授万克尔·乔依斯是超文本小说的主要理论家和作者。Michael Joyce, a professor of English at Vassar, is a leading theoretician and author of hypertext fiction.

在现代传播学发展的历史上,麦克卢汉无疑是最富特色的理论家。In the history of the development of modern communication media, Marshall MCLuhan is surely the most colorful theoretician.

它是立法者和刑法理论家共同构建的一种模型,模型和原形总是互动的。It is always a kind of model, model and original shape that lawgiver and penal code theoretician set up together to interact.

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伟大的中国民主革命的近代先驱,革命的旗帜,革命家,政治家,理论家。Great Chinese democratic revolution the modern times forerunner , revolution banner , revolutionist , statesman , theoretician.

李长之是二十世纪三、四十年代崛起在中国学界的美学家、文论家与文学批评家。Li Chang-Zhi is a famous esthetician, literature theoretician and critic who grew up in the 1930s to 1940s in Chinese academic circle.

孔子是我国历史上第一位伟大的教育理论家和教育实践家,它的教育思想内容博大精深。As the first great theoretician and practices in education in Chinese history, Confucius developed wide and profound thought on education.