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小平房是房子的一种类型。A bungalow is a type of house.

培群迁至峇摩劳路一洋房上课。Moved to a bungalow at Balmoral Road.

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到达时的我。这种贴着瓷砖的平房在当地是凤毛麟角。On my arrival. Tiled bungalow is luxury in this area.

他把那间平房借给康拉德一家住了两三个星期。He had lent the bungalow to the Conrads for a couple of weeks.

和西班牙小屋的其它房间相比,它面积很大。It's large compared to the other, smaller Spanish bungalow rooms.

老两口卖掉了那幢大房子,搬进了小平房。The old couple sell that large house and move into a small bungalow.

预定房间时确认你订的小平房不靠近墙。WARNING- When booking ensure you don't get a bungalow near the wall.

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罗斯福的小屋是一座平房,座落在一座长有松树的山的山顶上。Mr. Roosevelt's cottage was a bungalow at the top of a pine mountain.

罗宾逊一家住在芝加哥城南部的一个街区平房里。The Robinsons lived in a brick bungalow on the South Side of Chicago.

老两口卖掉了那幢大房子,搬进了小平房。The old couple sold that large house and moved into a small bungalow.

泰留在他和妻子曾住过的白色隔板平房。Ty stayed in the white clapboard bungalow he'd lived in with his wife.

我们一到那,就升级入住了一间临近海滩漂亮的小平房。We got upgraded to a nice bungalow close to the beach once we arrived.

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罗宾逊一家住在一个多层公寓的最顶层的小公寓里。The Robinsons lived in a small apartment on the top floor of a bungalow.

我们在午餐时间抵达金马伦高原的汇丰银行别墅。We reached HSBC Bungalow at Cameron Highlands in time for afternoon tea.

每幢小屋都有高高的天花板,并有手工制造的陶瓷砖屋顶。Each bungalow is built with high ceilings with hand made ceramic tiled roofs.

一下车我们就登记入住了,我们拿到了小平房的钥匙还喝了杯欢迎饮料。On arrival we checked in, given the keys to our bungalow and a welcome drink.

平房是小房子,有一个或两个卧室,通常有一个浴室。A bungalow is a small house with one or two bedrooms and usually one bathroom.

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在5个小时之后,我在比华丽山庄酒店的私人别墅中见到了雷石东。I met with Redstone for five hours in his bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

我记得1998年去她在新德里的小平房拜访时,中途两次换车。I remember changing cars twice when visiting her bungalow in New Delhi in 1998.

在1993年之前,艾滋病毒检测呈阳性的古巴人会被迫住在专门的平房区。Until 1993, H. I. V. -positive Cubans were forced to live in bungalow colonies.