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晚餐我打算做菲力牛排。I prepared filet mignon for dinner.

弗兰克牛排和美味肉片,大概比较安全吧。Flank steak and filet mignon are presumably safer.

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你不能从品质差的肉,制造品质高的肉。You cannot make filet mignon out of chopped liver.

他们拿出鱼片和草莓松脆饼盛情款待我们。They feasted us on filet mignon and strawberry shortcake.

无限供应的迷你牛扒三明治,涂上了芥末蛋黄酱。Free flow of Filet Mignon Sandwiches! Served with mustard mayonnaise.

吴太太要小牛排,加烤马铃薯和凯撒沙拉。Mrs. Wu will have the filet mignon with baked potato and Caesar salad.

“加上炸嫩牛排和香菌,”乔说,“肉叉在哪儿?”And filet mignon with champignons, " said Joe. "Were is the olive fork?"

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什么酒配牛排好吃呢?我们已向领班点了精美的肉片了。What is good for the steak?We ordered filet mignon to the captain already.

这饭做得这么好,我得向你表示祝贺,煎里脊小牛排好吃极了。I must congratulate you on a wonderful meal. The filet mignon was scrumptious.

省电,省心,高效一节电池可以连续使用近60小时,测量近万个数据。One 1.5V mignon alkaline Battery can be used for almost 60 hours 10000 reading.

我点的主菜是菲力牛排。它尝起来十分可口。The main course I ordered was the filet mignon. It tasted scrumptious. vehicle.

省电,省心,高效一节电池可以连续使用近60小时,测量近万个数据。One 1.5V mignon alkaline Battery can be used for almost 60 hours and 10000 reading.

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准备你的意见菲力从这个免费视频全职煮牛排。Prepare your filet mignon with advice from a full-time cook in this free video on steak.

小明骑马到山顶,他的兽皮衣服沾满了之前留下的血迹。Mignon rides to the top of the hill, his fur matted with the blood of those that fell before him.

向伟大的菲力牛排准备的关键是结束前与熏肉放在炉子上它。The key to preparing a great filet mignon is to wrap it with bacon before placing it in the oven.

我们常常都抱怨那些对我们来说像大麻烦的事情还有像那些我们所吃到的稍微过分地添加了些作料的菲力牛排一样的东西。We all complain about things that seem like a big deal to us, like our Filet Mignon being slightly overseasoned.

拉斯维加斯头脑灵活的酒店老板们能迅速用沙拉鲜虾汤来替代牛里脊肉,也几乎能用同样的速度掏空你的钱包。Las Vegas's nimble hoteliers can replace filet mignon with shrimp cocktail almost as quickly as they can take your money.

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他也引用Gawande的话,呼吁美国卫生保健系统成为“免费菜谱,你可以每天从菜谱里要求菲力牛排。”He also quoted Gawande as calling the Americanhealth care system "a menu without prices from which you can order filet mignon every day."

这的确是个很好的进步,因为在那个时候,很少有消费者喜欢吃菲力牛排,而是更多的喜欢吃牛肉糜。A good move, since consumers were less likely to be eating filet mignon and more likely to be dining on ground beef during that time period.

如果我手中有一粒红豆,也许可以聊寄我的相思,然后把它埋在这棵梅花下,为了我梦里可爱的故乡,也为了我心中美丽的姑娘。When I would have a red bean in my hand, I should bury it under this plum blossom , for the remote hometown in my head, also for the mignon girl in my heart.