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你就不留余地地忘掉我。You did not keep the leeway to forget me.

哪有这些丫鬟们张狂的余地。Which have these waiter girls rude leeway.

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美国“薪酬沙皇”将对他网开一面。S. pay czar will give Benmosche leeway on pay.

哇集拉隆功王储则别想有这种权威。Prince Vajiralongkorn can expect no such leeway.

这会给我一些开始和停顿的时间余地。This gives me some starting and stopping leeway.

这一期限最多可以宽限60天。A 60-day leeway could be offered on this deadline.

美国“薪酬沙皇”将对他网开一面。The U.S. pay czar willgive Benmosche leeway on pay.

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两党合作可能让他获得制定新方向的回旋余地。This bipartisanship may give him leeway to set a new course.

女性稍稍宽松一点,可以放大到90厘米即35.4英寸。Women get a bit more leeway and can swell to 90cm, or 35.4 in.

如果有天我死了,你就不留余地地忘掉我。If had the day I to die, you did not keep the leeway to forget me.

欢迎收看大爱英语新闻,我是蔡力薇,感恩您的加入。Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I'm Leeway Cai. Thank you for joining us.

欢迎收看大爱英语新闻,我是蔡力薇,感恩有您的加入。Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I'm Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.

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欢迎收看大爱英语新闻,我是蔡力薇,很高兴有您的加入。Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I"m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us."

身子却还是翻着的,真的连翻身的余地都没有。Body but still turn over, really even emancipated leeway to all have no.

本文还对船偏航驶进、驶出船厢的问题作了计算。A special situation of leeway ship moving is also concerned and calculated.

然而印度交通部长巴鲁说,减少税收的空间不大。Transportation minister T.R. Baalu says there is not much leeway to reduce taxes.

然而印度交通部长巴鲁说,减少税收的空间不大。Transportation minister T. R. Baalu says there is not much leeway to reduce taxes.

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采用正确的方法,并作些折衷,那么通过对版本的控制,将可以放松这一限制。Versioning is all about relaxing the rules in the right way and introducing leeway.

然而,所有这些努力都失败了,狄军执意入侵,完全没有转圜的余地。But all efforts were in vain. Army of Di was determinate to invade, no leeway to go.

负责此案刑罚尺度的两位法官在判决中有很大的弹性裁决馀地。The two judges responsible for doling out the punishment have considerable leeway in sentencing.