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目的研究次声对大鼠血液流变特性的影响。AIM To study the effect of infrasound on the hemorheology of rats.

结论次声能够影响机体免疫淋巴细胞的功能。Conclusion Infrasound can influence the function of immune lymphocytes in body.

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这些波的频率属次声域,是人类无法听见的声域。Those waves have frequencies in infrasound domain, the sound actually nobody knows, domain.

目的观察强次声波对豚鼠前庭功能的影响。Objective To define the effects of intense infrasound on vestibular function in guinea pigs.

利用次声波异常信号预测发震时间及震级是十分有效的。Using the infrasound method to predict the initial time and scale of the earthquake is effective.

初步解释了强震前兆次声波的产生机理和传播机制。The generating and propagating mechanism of the precursory infrasound of earthquake are primarily explained.

目的观察强次声波对豚鼠前庭终器超微结构的损伤情况。Objective To study the ultrastructural changes of vestibular end organs induced by infrasound in guinea pigs.

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次声的作用机理是生物共振,次声应用于生物医学,前景将会十分广阔。Being inaudible and with a mechanism of bio-resonance, infrasound has a brilliant perspective when applied to biomedicine.

故地震前兆次声波的测量研究,有可能发展成为临震预报中一种有效的新方法。So the measurement of the precursory infrasound could become a new and more effective method of the imminent earthquake prediction.

基于阵列指向性基本理论,本文采用均匀线列阵实现次声聚焦,并优化设计了抛物线型阵列。Based on the basic theory of array directivity realize infrasound focusing by line transducer array, and design a new parabolic array.

强地震前兆次声波三维动态频谱的最大振幅不仅与地震级别有关,而且与震源距离及深度都有关。The maximal amplitude of the precursory infrasound is related to the magnitude of earthquake and the distance and depth of the epicenter.

次声波传播有一定的传播速度,次声波传感器能够监测次声波来自的大致方向。Infrasound transmits at a specific speed and infrasound sensors can determine the basic direction from where the infrasound signal comes from.

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次声波的危害是,当次声波和人本固有频率接近时,会产生共振,影响人体健康,严重时会致人死亡。Infrasound's harm is resonance when the infrasound and people close to the natural frequency. It will affect human health to be serious to cause death.

在相同的频率和声压级水平下,次声的损伤作用与次声的暴露时间并非呈线性关系。Under the same frequency and same sound pressure level, the infrasound damage on the brain didn't show linear correlation with the acting time of infrasound.

次声波监听仪的探测对象与地震波检波器相同,但捕捉的是大气中传播的人耳听不见的声波。如果一枚核弹爆炸,则会产生这种著名的等幅声波,这种声波会环绕地球进行传播。Infrasound monitors do the same job for the atmosphere, picking up the inaudible but remarkably persistent sound waves that circle the world when a bomb goes off.

次声波是人耳听不到的一种声波,频率小,波长长,不易被吸收,传播较远。Infrasound is a sound which human ear can not hear. It is the characters as the frequency small, wavelength long, difficult to be absorbed and spread further afield.

强震前兆次声三维动态频谱的最大振幅不仅受震级大小影响,而且与震源距离及深度等其它因素都有关。The maximal amplitude of the precursory infrasound measured is not only related to the magnitude of earthquake, but also to the distance, depth of epicenter and other factors.

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因此,研究次声的发生、传播、生物学作用机制及制订相应的防护措施已越来越受到人们的重视。So people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance in studying the mechanisms of the occurrence, spreading, biological effects and preventive measures of the infrasound.

本文设计了专门用于检测次声武器各项性能的次声波信号采集系统和传输特性分析系统。In this paper, the signal collection system and analytic system of transmission characteristic of infrasound are designed, which are used for testing the performance of infrasound.