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我怎么还好意思抱怨呢?How can I complain?

你应该抱怨吗?Should you complain?

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她开始抱怨了。She began to complain.

少点抱怨,多点笑容。Complain less, smile more.

他们甚至连一声抱怨也没有。They didn't even complain.

但艾薇塔并没有抱怨。But Ivetta didn’t complain.

叫苦的倒是那些狗呢。It's the dogs who complain.

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可是我并不要对你们诉苦!But I won't complain to you!

但你从来不会听到他抱怨。And I never saw him complain.

也就是说,不要抱怨了。And that is, not to complain.

发牢骚毫无益处。It boots thee not to complain.

你犯不着去抱怨。It is beneath you to complain.

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我们没有什么可发牢骚的。We have nothing to complain of.

抱怨它,哭诉它,叫骂它。Cry about it. Complain about it.

渔民因此头昏目眩而怨声载道。Fishermen complain of dizziness.

残叶飞花今秋怨。Grottoes fly this fall complain.

你没有向他提意见吗?Didn't you complain to him about it?

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这是如何抱怨冲撞的方法。This is how to complain with impact.

不要发牢骚或过度抱怨。Do not whine or complain excessively.

我想投诉这台洗衣机的事。I wish to complain about the machine.