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伊斯兰文明,由此又可见一斑。Mohammedan civilization, see one spot again from this.

广州成了主要的港口,因为清真寺还有穆哈默德的圣物而出名。Canton became the chief trading port, famed for its mosques and Mohammedan sepulchers.

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广州成了主要的港口,因为清真寺还有穆哈默德的圣物而出名。Canton became the chief trading port, famed for its mosques and Mohammedan sepulchers.

节俭的伊斯兰教徒用茶或咖啡来“为聚会加入活力”或“做成生意”。The abstemious Mohammedan depends on it or coffee for 'adding life to the party' or 'putting through a deal.

一个信奉多神的异教徒也会认为,基督徒和伊斯兰教徒意见不一是古怪的。A pagan , too, with his multiplictity of gods, would think it odd that the Christian and the Mohammedan should disagree.

有阿拉伯语言、阿拉伯文学及阿拉伯伊斯兰文化等教学和科研方向。Arabic character, Arabic learns to reach Arabia the education such as Mohammedan culture and scientific research direction.

至于这家茶室是从何时开始经营,为什么以伊斯兰教的棺材作为装饰就不得而知了。As to this teahouse be from when to begin to manage, why to serve as adornment with Mohammedan bier with respect to unknown.

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祖先的崇拜几乎不和超自然的东西发生关系,所以它可以和基督教,佛教,或回回教关于上帝的信仰并行不悖。The supernatural is left almost untouched, and ancestor worship can go side by side with belief in a Christian, a Buddhist, or a Mohammedan god.

穆罕穆德的左翼占领了西班牙。同时右翼在叙利亚和小亚细亚之间建立了君士坦丁堡。The left wing of the Mohammedan armies took possession of Spain, The right wing meanwhile made for Constantinople by way of Syria and Asia Minor.

他必须有归属感,即认识到不管他是美国人还是穆斯林,他并非孤立存在或远离人类其他成员。He has to belong to something, to realize he is not created separately or apart from the rest of mankind, whether he is an American or a Mohammedan.

茶室里的棺材完全按照伊斯兰教的风俗布置,每个棺材的四面都围有栅栏,以免人们在上面随意坐踏。The bier in teahouse is decorated completely according to Mohammedan custom, of every bier all around surround have the crib, lest people is above unthinking, sit step.

其中,杨孝柏教授翻译了60余部阿拉伯文学作品,李振中教授在阿拉伯伊斯兰文化研究领域影响深远。Among them, professor Yang Xiaobai translated more than 60 Arabic to learn work, the professor in Lizhen in Arabia Mohammedan culture studies the domain is far-reaching.

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十世纪至十三世纪之间,欧洲的基督教王国用各种努力来企图从穆罕默德—阿拉伯的统治者手上夺回耶稣的诞生地。Between the 10th to 13th centuries, the Christian kingdoms of Europe made numerous attempts to reconquer the birthplace of Jesus Christ from its Mohammedan -Arab rulers.

清真月饼,是信仰伊斯兰教的回民所特有之月饼,不含猪的成份,以清真牛肉月饼最为出名。Islamic moon cake, it is the moon cake with the Huis peculiar place with Mohammedan belief, do not contain the component of the pig, became famous most with Islamic beef moon cake.

穆斯林的历史一再表明,王朝的毁灭往往是因为不同出身的王子无法统一意见,并最终导致的内战造成了广泛的破坏局面。Over and over again in Mohammedan history, dynasties have come to grief because the sons of a sultan by different mothers could not agree, and in the resulting civil war universal ruin resulted.