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产品型号是由重子决定。The model number is determined from the Baryon.

这里是一个小的重子版本的解释。Here is a little explanation of the Baryon version.

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在标准模型中重子数是绝对守恒的。The baryon numbers are absolutely conserved in the Standard Model.

夸克不仅带有重子数、电荷,而且也带有轻子荷。The quarks have not only baryon number and charge but also lepton charge.

研究了夸克约束的重子受激态和手征对称破缺。It is studied Baryon excited states for quark confinement and chiral symmetry breaking.

提出了交叉道研究中的一种新的、相对论性的、无奇异性的顶角形状因子。New relativistic and singularity free baryon form factor for crossing channel study is proposed.

利用投影算符从诱导表示中分离出奇特重子态的候选态。We obtain the Exotic Baryon multiplets from the induced representation using the project operator.

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并以质子磁矩为例,讨论了重子磁矩的计算。Taking the proton moments as an example, we discuss the calculation of baryon moments in this work.

他是重子震荡光光谱学调查的主要调查者,这个调查项目又被称为“老板”。He is the principal investigator of the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey – or BOSS – project.

研究双重子态,首先所用的模型要能较好地描述重子相互作用。Any model which is to be applied to study the dibaryon state should firstly describe the baryon well.

中微子是唯一的始终可与光子数密度相比拟的粒子。After the lepton era, its number density would be higher than that of baryon by a factor of about 109.

概述了重子数实验的实验装置,其中包括探测器装置和数据获取系统。The set-up for a baryon number experiment including the detector and the data acquisition system is introduced.

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数阻止和重子数穿透的倩况为可能产生的QGP提供了完全不同的初始条件。Baryon number transport and stopping provide entirely different initial condition for the probably produced QGP.

我身边很多人经常问重子不对称的问题,比如”为什么物质比反物质要多?I am among those who routinely phrase the baryon asymmetry question as "Why is there more matter than antimatter?

再次,作为一个04克因此,如果它可以在它上面运行自己的6.20更新09克重子,它会闪光04克模块。Once again, the 6.20 updater has the 09g Baryon as a 04g so if it could run on it's own, it will flash 04g modules.

我们的理论可以同样处理重子态,只要唯象位阱V_0只有介子的值的一半。Our theory can apply equally to the baryon states if the phenomenological potential V0 is reduced by a factor of 2.

重子化学势比奇异子化学势大,在低端它们都一致趋于零。The chemical potential of baryon is larger than that of strangeness, and they all go to zero at low side of values.

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质子重子族群中一种稳定的带正电的中子核。A stable, positively charged subatomic particle in the baryon family having a mass1, 836 times that of the electron.

北京正负电子对撞机上的BES实验为系统地进行重子谱研究提供了一个很好的舞台。The BES experiment at Beijing electron-position collider provides an excellent laboratory for the research of Baryon spectroscopy.

由于QCD渐近自由性质,重重子质量谱的计算必须借助于非微扰技巧。Due to the asymptotic freedom of QCD, the determination of heavy baryon mass spectroscopy must resort to non-perturbative technique.