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简约是语言历时演变的一种趋势。Reduction is a trend of language diachronic evolvement.

是结合共时性比较和历时性比较。The synchronic comparison should be combined with the diachronic one.

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在艺术认识活动中存在着历时性结构和共时性复合结构。Diachronic and synchronic structures exist in the activies of art cognition.

康德从历时和共时两方面理性批判了形而上学独断论。Kant criticized the metaphysical dogmatism both in synchronic and diachronic way.

本文还对一些现象作了历时性和类型学的考察。A diachronic and typological observation is also given to some of these phenomena.

接下来,我试图透过德勒兹思考问题的历时性观点来探讨这种复杂性。I then shift to the diachronic viewpoint to investigate in what such complexity might consist.

这一术语的形成首先就离不开其历时性与共时性范畴限制。This terminology can't be formed without the limitation of diachronic and synchronic categories.

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有关语言学静态的一切都是共时的,有关语言学动态的一切都是历史的。It is also necessary to carryout some degree of synchronic work before making a diachronic linguistics.

所以很多教学可以被看成是,不限于一时的而有历时变化的。So a lot of teaching and learning can be thought as less synchronic activities and more diachronic one.

并对这三个副词构成的羡余否定式进行历史溯源,考证其生成机制。The diachronic source of redundant negation is traced and its generative mechanism is also researched on.

在历时方面,我们考察了零动词存在句的出现和使用情况。In terms of diachronic development, we review the appearance and usage of non-verbal existential sentence.

语言的共时差异往往反映历时的演变,濒危语言也是一样。Synchronic differences in language often reflect the diachronic evolution, so do the endangered languages.

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因此,建筑是作为一个有历史意义去展示历时性和共时性的价值的过程。Therefore, architecture is historical as a meaningful process to present the diachronic and synchronic value of the being.

以极值统计学为理论基础,讨论了该方法在短历时强降水风险设计中的适用性。According to the Extremum Statistics and its applicability in designing a short diachronic strong precipitation risk is studied.

本文讨论了这两种“给”的不同性质和来源,考察了其历时的发展过程,并通过方言材料的类型比较来加以证明。Meanwhile, a diachronic research on their evolution is made, and a typological comparison among dialects is also made to prove the point.

笔者运用民族音乐学比较研究的方法论,对鄂伦春族传统音乐的发展作历史性与历时性的双重比较研究。According to comparable method of Ethnomusicology, synchronic and diachronic analysis was used to the music tradition of Elunchun minority.

人们的思维与心理特点及语言的历时发展是名词非范畴化的外在动因。The features of thinking and psychology and the diachronic developments of linguistics are the external drive of the noun decategorization.

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笔者运用民族音乐学比较研究的方法论,对鄂伦春族传统音乐的发展作历史性与历时性的双重比较研究。According to comparable method of Ethnomusicology, synchronic and diachronic analysis was used to analyze the music tradition of Elunchun minority.

第四部分,重点探讨AA式程度副词形成的动因以及在历时发展的基础上预测其未来发展的趋势。Chapter 4 probes into the motivation of the forming of the AA reduplicative adverbs. And it predicts the trend on the basis of diachronic development.

从历时的角度看,由同义复词凝结而成的联绵词具有可分训性。From the perspective of the diachronic character, the disyllabic roots condensed by synonym-compounds have the characteristics of dividing explanation.