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我看看你的驾驶执照好吗?May I see your license?

我把驾照落在家里了。I left my license at home.

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我的驾照号码为9590。My License number is 9590.

牌照可是我付了钱的呀。I paid for my license plate.

你必须考取驾驶证。You must have drive's license.

他获得执照已经有10年了。He had his license for 10 years.

她是如何得到驾照的?。No2. How did she get her license?

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你车牌号是多少?。What's your license plate number?

优化软件GAMS的授权文件。A collection of GAMS license file.

不要把自由与放纵混为一谈。Don't confuse liberty with license.

我们也特别喜欢它的BSD许可。We particular like the BSD license.

他被吊销执照,以示惩戒。His license wAS revoked AS a warning.

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出现特性的许可协议。The license for your feature appears.

给我看你的驾驶证和行车证。Show me your license and registration.

没有执照我感到很不安The lack of a license was pinching me.

那辆出租车的牌号是多少?What is the license plate of the taxi.

我今天终于拿到我的俄勒冈驾照了!Finally I got my license from DMV today!

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关于行政许可的性质。On the Nature of Administrative License.

我怀疑他是怎么考到驾照的。I wonder how he got his driver’s license.

允许证开始于今后日期。The license starts with the current date.