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的确,这部电影震撼了我,我被亚洲人的残忍震撼了。Yes, the movie shocked me by showing the bloodiness of Asian.

我还不够自私不够残忍不够虚伪么。I am not selfish enough bloodiness enough and untruthful enough ?

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这是美国人民第一次真正的现代战争的血腥的味道。It was the American people's first real taste of the bloodiness of modern warfare.

老实说,我不太喜欢过于夸张的血腥和暴力,更喜欢他那些在强烈光。Actually speaking, I don't like over exaggerated bloodiness and violence very much.

是因为它太弱小了,而又可爱的缘故吗,所以不愿在杀它到来的那一瞬间前面露凶相?Is the reason it too weak and cute to we want not show our bloodiness before kill it ?

虽然这次残酷的残酷,中华民族显示出了强大的团结。Though the bloodiness of the earthquake, Chinese nationality show the huge solidarity.

然而暴动本身并不令人惊讶,只是偶尔诧异于它的速度及血腥程度。Yet the uprising itself did not come as a surprise, only perhaps its speed and its bloodiness.

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皮皮鬼,因为一些不知道的原因很尊重巴罗,称他做“我的血人大人”和“巴罗先生”。Peeves, who respects the Baron for some unknown reason, calls him "Your Bloodiness" and "Mr. Baron.

共产运动的政治革命阶段具有分娩般的血腥和痛苦,这是以血腥手段消灭血腥利益的共产运动的辩证思想。The political revolutionary stage of the Communist movement had its bloodiness and affliction just like in a delivery.

老实说,我不太喜欢过于夸张的血腥和暴力,更喜欢他那些在强烈光影下略生裂变的作品。Actually speaking, I don't like over exaggerated bloodiness and violence very much. I prefer to those little cracking works under the glaring light.

于是所有的线索纠结成一根麻木的绳索套在大多数人的身上,不能自拔也不想自拔才真正的透出了些许悲剧的血腥味。And then all the hints are entangled into a senseless rope, which harnesses most people, they don't want and can't draw out of such somewhat tragic bloodiness.

只有当你为其所诱,逼视画面的时候,才会发现你正面对着花团锦簇中的血腥,甚至那些血腥的伤口仍然漂亮好看!Only when you are attracted by the tableau to stare at it, can you find the bloodiness in the brilliant splendor. And even the bloody wounds, then, are still so attractive.

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从那一望无际的高梁地开始的张艺谋的影像世界,展示了一种充满生机和活力的民族魂,表现了一种充满血腥而又凝聚炽爱的痛感文化。Zhang's vedio world starting from the boundless field of sorghum presents a dynamic and vigorous national soul, expressing a sense of pain that is mixed with bloodiness and profound love.