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他的劫数已定。His doom is sealed.

汤姆不愿意坐以待毙。Tom would not await his doom.

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蜡黄的脸色预示厄运就要降临。With the yellow face of Doom.

朝鲜是在找死。N. korea is inviting its doom.

他感到无法抗拒的厄运即将降临。He feels an overwhelming sense of doom.

蒙着面纱的神秘的毁灭命运在诱惑你。The veiled face of dark doom lures you.

最差不过置之死地而后生。The worst but doom to death and beyond.

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是人类末日的钟声在滴答作响吗?Is the clock of doom ticking for mankind?

直到末日窥见我的城堡,将他们驱散。Till Doom espy my towers and scatter them.

这直接给了阿泰难逃劫数的感觉。It immediately gave Artest a sense of doom.

直到世界末日来临精气耗完。That wear this world out to the ending doom.

古人云“置之死地而后生”。The ancients cloud "doom to death and then".

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我们所有人都有一种大难临头的感觉。A sense of impending doom came upon all of us.

邪恶是芬兰前卫的厄运金属乐队。Unholy was a finnish avantgarde doom metal band.

加强的方尖石塔得到悲叹命运能力。Fortified Obelisks gain the Wailing Doom ability.

信仰是我们的掘墓人,带来灭顶之灾。Faith is our destroyer. Faith has brought us doom.

心的距离才是爱情的劫难。Heart's distance is really amatory inexorable doom.

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我们玩得下一个游戏是死亡之庙的矿车之旅。Next we took a mine cart ride, a la Temple of Doom.

完成魔宫场景的全部故事模式关卡。Complete all Story Mode Levels in Temple of Doom Hub.

面临刑事立案的企业或将万劫不复。The threat of criminal prosecution can doom a business.