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公开和协作。Open and collaborative.

如何开发一个协作的团队文化?How to develop a collaborative team culture?

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促进协作预算编制和规划。Facilitate collaborative budgeting and planning.

工作经验在小协作组。Experience working in small collaborative groups.

即时、多用户合作编辑文档Real-time, multiuser collaborative document editing

什么是协作和协作开发?What is collaboration and collaborative development?

协同计划、预测和补货。CPFR, Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, Replenishment.

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拍电影,应该是整个地区通力合作的过程。It should be a collaborative process for the whole region.

但我真的希望它能成为一种协作式创作工具。But I really wanted it to be a collaborative authoring tool.

在这种协作性方法中,每一个开发员都得到一个沙箱。In this collaborative approach, each developer gets a sandbox.

对添加协作工具的勘探是显著的。The prospects for adding to collaborative tools are fantastic.

又或者他更倾向于用合作的方式来解决问题?Or does he favor a more collaborative style of problem solving?

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“协创”是欧姆龙提出的全新经营模式。"Collaborative Innovation" is the kernel research mode of OMRON.

随这种开放性、认可度和可用性而来的是协作研发。With openness, acceptance, and availability come collaborative R&D.

将研究项目变成一个合作型学习团体。Design the research project to be a collaborative learning community.

确定协作区域,是协作MIMO技术的一个重要问题。One important problem for C-MIMO is to determine collaborative areas.

它是一项集体合作而非个人努力的事业。It is a collaborative rather than an individ-Line ualistic enterprise.

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2004年,他们发起了一项名为“页面”的长期合作项目。In 2004, they initiated a long-term collaborative project called Pages.

NET技术设计实现了基于工作流的协同办公系统。NET technical design to achieve workflow-based collaborative office systems.

我们有自主学习,从他人身上学的,互助式学习。We have the active learning, the collaborative learning from other students.