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突然,他开始抽筋,脉搏跳得很快。Suddenly, he starts to convulse and his.

在更严重的病例中,病人会失去知觉并抽搐。In more advanced cases, the patient will lose consciousness and may convulse.

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向更好的转变也是如此,和颠覆身体的生死一样。So is an change for the better, like birth and death which convulse the body.

一切能使情况好转的变迁都是如此,正如振撼整个人体的生与死一样。So is all change for the better, like birth and death which convulse the body.

“嘻闹”,让一个人发笑,也让另一个人义愤。That frolick which shakes one man with laughter will convulse another with indignation.

我也希望这一天带给一个能震撼我心灵的好消息。I also wish that this day could bring me a good news , which makes my heart convulse deeply.

往常,在两周的春节中全镇都在载歌载舞和漫天焰火的喧闹中度过。Normally, the town would convulse in singing, dancing and pyrotechnics during the two-week holiday.

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相声演员不时抖包袱,令现场观众捧腹大笑。In the comic dialogue, two performers revealed the joke suddenly, which made the audience convulse with laughter.

画中的老虎并非以写实观察的手法描绘,而是透过火药和色块的爆发在纸面上抖动。Rather than realistic, observational depictions, the tigers convulse across the paper in explosions of pigment and gunpowder.

理论物理学家一直相信,在最微小的尺度上,量子效应将导致时空的杂乱震动。Theoretical physicists have long believed that quantum effects will cause space-time to convulse wildly on the tiniest scales.

影视精品是震撼心灵的史诗的品读和文学艺术精华的集粹,是人类文化艺术圣殿中最美丽的缪斯女神。The classic movie works which are the most beautiful Muse in holy palace of people's cultural art, are to savor the epic which can convulse people's soul and collection of literature art.