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看似此时正是行业工会主义者的有利时机。It looks like an opportunity for a trade unionist.

统一党马上拒绝了此方案,并称其为背叛。Unionist immediately rejected the idea, calling it a betrayal.

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温和的统一党和爱尔兰国民党都慎重地支持这项协议。The more moderate Unionist and Irish Nationalist parties were cautiously supportive of the agreement.

国民党军队撤离上海后,一支工会游行队伍沿南京路而上开进。Nankin Road. A unionist demonstration marches up the avenue while the People's Army descends. Nankin Road.

他们是议会中的中间偏右派,许多曾经支持他们的苏格兰人都是因为他们的工会背景。They are on the right-of-centre, but many Scots used to vote for them simply because of their unionist credentials.

工会派刘千石昨晚以三票压倒张炳良成为民主党副主席。Unionist Lau Chin-shek defeated Anthony Cheung Bing-leung by three votes to become Democratic Party vice-chairman last night.

联合党领导者开设论坛讨论悬挂国旗和其它保皇派埋怨的问题,但是反对者不愿意配合。Unionist leaders have set up a forum to talk about flags and other loyalist complaints, but the protesters are not co-operating.

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战争刚开始时,李将军取得了惊人的战绩,以此证明他胜过北方军的任何一个指挥官。At first General Lee won some astonishing victories and proved himself to be a better general than any of the Unionist commander.

罗伯特博登爵士,战时加拿大总理,一战期间是保守党-自由党联盟,加拿大团结党的领袖。Sir Robert Borden war time Prime Minister of Canada, leader of a Conservative-Liberal coalition, the Unionist Party of Canada during World War 1.

不久以后,领导着最大党统一党的戴维.特林布尔,和他们一起在白宫庆祝圣帕特里克节,和他们一起寻求和平。Before long, David Trimble, who led the largest Unionist party, would join them at the White House on St. Patricks Day and in the quest for peace.

要做到这些,她必须依靠北方力量在里士满的地下组织,这个非正式组织里,有女人有男人,有白人也有黑人。To do this, she relied on an informal network of women and men, white and black, all drawn from Richmond’s clandestine Unionist community to help her.

领导大家默哀的工会领袖李卓人表示公众可以自行判断是谁浪费了时间和公帑。Unionist Lee Cheuk-yan, who led the silent tribute, said the public could judge for themselves who should be blamed for wasting time and public money.

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虽然对统一党的拖延甚为不满,主流共和派为改革北爱尔兰治安而全力以赴。For all their irritation over unionist foot-dragging, however, mainstream republicans are playing a full part in transforming how Northern Ireland is policed.

但自从1960年开始,和平奖颁给南非工会运动者卢图利,至此受奖范围从和平缔造及解除武装延伸至争取人权者。But with the 1960 award to South African trade unionist Alfred Lutuli, the scope of the prize expanded from its roots in peace-making and disarmament to the battle for human rights.

这段通常被视为来源于甘地的名言,更可能起源于参与1918年第三届双年展的美国制衣厂工会会员尼古拉斯·克莱恩。The quote, often attributed to Gandhi, most likely originated with the trade unionist Nicholas Klein, of the Amalgamated Clothing Works of America at their Third Biennial Convention in 1918.

三个多星期之后,共和党领导人统一达成一项权力分享协议在北爱尔兰纽里市法院大型汽车炸弹爆炸时,没有人受到伤害。Less than three weeks after unionist and republican leaders in Northern Ireland reached a power-sharing deal, a large car-bomb exploded outside a courthouse in the town of Newry. No one was injured.

新教牧师佩斯利率领民主统一党---最大的联合主义党。80高龄的佩斯利一直反对和亚当斯等共和军领导人和睦相处的提议,对此向来都是公然抨击。Mr Paisley, who leads the DUP, the largest unionist party, is an 80-year-old Protestant cleric who has spent his life denouncing the very idea of a rapprochement with republican leaders like Mr Adams.