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我说我要找萨莉。I asked for Sally.

我坐在沙莉后面。I sit behind Sally.

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萨莉卖贝壳。Sally sells seashells.

萨莉在什么地方?Lesson 31 Wheres Sally?

萨利对来中国感到非常兴奋。Sally is very to China.

萨丽是一名好学生。Sally is a good student.

萨莉阿姨去购物。Aunt Sally went shopping.

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沙莉在酒吧里工作。Sally is working in a bar.

这是我女儿,莎莉。This is my daughter, Sally.

乔给萨莉画了一张像。Joe painted Sally a picture.

沙莉一定会拒绝他的。Sally is sure to refuse him.

你能送萨莉上学吗?Can you take Sally to school?

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萨莉穿着一条红裙子。Sally is wearing a red dress.

萨丽穿着一双黑鞋子。Sally is wearing black shoes.

狡猾的森姆喝掉莎莉的汤。Sly Sam slurps Sally"s soup."

“不要再拖下去了,”莎莉说道。“Stop stalling, ” Sally said.

杰克,这是我的朋友塞莉。Jack, this is my friend Sally.

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琼斯先生,我是萨莉·史密斯。Mr. Jones, this is Sally Smith.

萨丽穿着白裙子。Sally is wearing a white dress.

莎丽想借你的车。Sally wants to borrow your car.