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有段时间我妹妹是寄宿生。My younger sister was at one time a boarder.

第一次滑下来的时候我不小心撞上玩雪地滑板的人。On my first time I accidentally crashed into a snow boarder.

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此次爆炸袭击了一个安全护航队,位置就在距阿富汗边界不远的地方。The bomb struck a security convoy, not far from the Afghan boarder.

一位名叫卡尔的寄宿生站在地上,为该情景钦佩不已。Standing on the floor, a young boarder named Carl was admiring the view.

这是离奥地利边界仅仅几公里远的意大利战争纪念馆。This Italian war memorial was just a few km's from the Austrian boarder.

已过幽州三百五十里,前面就是契丹的地界了。We are 350 miles past the province of Yu the Khitan boarder is just ahead.

砂寄宿生马特沃尔顿腾飞的西南铝Katania开罗1月18日沙丘。Sand boarder Matt Walton soars on the Al Katania dunes southwest of Cairo January 18.

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广而言之,对于中华民族在全新的历史背景下,究竟会带来怎样的影响?In the boarder sense, what will be brought to Chinese people on a completely new background.

作为一个真正的寄宿生,你知道你的脚是你的工具和工匠需要好好照顾他的工具。As a real boarder , you know that your feet are your tools and a craftsman takes good care of his tools.

我觉得他的意思是南北朝鲜原本就有边境冲突,原本挨不着我们什么事儿。I think what he's saying is that N. and S. Korea have boarder disputes, which are really none of our business.

也是在那里,有位太太带着孩子在那里奇读,那小丫头有些嘴馋,有人对她作了这样一种深刻的观察It was there that that profound remark was made anent a rather greedy paroquet which belonged to a lady boarder

我读书时住在一栋寄宿公寓,房间颇大,但我得跟另一个寄宿者合住。I live in a boarding-house during the school year. My room is rather large, but I share it with another boarder.

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我想我有大量的理由,但没有法律和计划担保寄宿者必须按时缴费。I thought I had all my bases covered, but all the legalities and planning are no assurance a boarder will pay on time.

体操组运动员的损伤主要集中在腰椎椎体前上缘和前下缘。The injury part in the gymnastics group mainly occurred on the anterior superior border and anterior inferior boarder.

下一个中国声称拥有主权的将会是,朝鲜就是下一个,想想朝鲜有多少次在双方边境上射击了民众?Whats next China going to to claim North Korea next considering how many times they shot at people near there boarder?

自定义您的衣著装扮,在大自然和城市间享受滑雪的乐趣。Customize your gear at the shop and jump on your board for fun-filled big air, urban jib, boarder cross and free ride sessions.

尤其是对状态、尺寸、边界三者及其相互关系发表了新的观点。In addition, a fresh view on the condition, dimension and boarder as weU as their relationship is also presented in this paper.

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苏丹官方称,政府军在与南苏丹毗邻的青尼罗州从叛军手中夺回两个地区。Officials in Sudan say government troops have captured two areas from rebels in Blue Nile State on the boarder with South Sudan.

但他的话未引起注意,因此没人开枪,于是这最后一个海盗便逃之夭夭了,和其余的人一起消失在了林子里。But his words were unheeded, no shot was fired, and the last boarder made good his escape, and disappeared with the rest into the wood.

鄂尔多斯盆地中部气田位于稳定克拉通中央古隆起东北部,是一个与奥陶系海相碳酸盐岩有关的风化壳型气田。Central Gas Field located in the center of Ordos Basin is formed on the paleo-uplift in the north-eastern boarder of the stable craton.