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但素有这些这都是一种浮夸的盛装游行。But it is all a grandiose pageant.

我从来没有接近大而无当项目。I had never been close to Grandiose Project.

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我们必须摈弃浮夸的工作作风。We must do away with the grandiose style of work.

不要使用愚蠢的,哗众取宠的ID或昵称。Don't use a silly, grandiose user ID or screen name.

我们必须摈弃浮夸的工作作风。Eg. We must do away with the grandiose style of work.

他会带着欢笑和真挚要求巨额索赔。He makes grandiose claims with a mixture of mirth and sincerity.

日本的目标是中国的殖民化,这是个极其宏大的计划。Japan’s aim is the colonization of China, a really grandiose plan.

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杜鲁门没有给麦克阿瑟庄严辞职的机会。Truman didn’t allow MacArthur time to stage a grandiose resignation.

然而,这些宏大的梦想很快让位给了更加实际的考虑。However, these grandiose dreams soon gave way to more practical concerns.

感受一次拉斯维加斯式的晚餐吧,那将是完全不同的体验。Finish your day with a Vegas-style dinner as grandiose as the city itself.

“企业修理师”太俚语化,“企业变革者”又太过庄重。“Business Fixer” is too slangy and “Business Transformer” is too grandiose.

几十年以来,他一直尝试以心目中的宏伟蓝图重塑世界。Over the decades, he has tried to remake the world in his own grandiose image.

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他可以感觉到这个男人,六十多岁的样子,被习惯于宏大的战术。He could sense that this man, sixty-plus years old, was given to grandiose tactics.

因为在十九世纪,他对阶层化提出恢宏的构想。For in the nineteenth century he developed a grandiose conception of stratification.

它以宏伟的气势,丰沛而浩瀚的水汽,震撼了所有的游人。It with grandiose imposing manner, plentiful and the lunt of vast, shook all tourist.

我们在今天这种不带有处理和享受的基础上勾勒着明天的宏伟蓝图。We dream of a grandiose tomorrow without processing or enjoying the moments of today.

即使是最激进的反政府武装分子也承认军队最至高无上的地位。Even the most ardent anti-regime protesters endorse this grandiose view of the military.

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他傲慢,他自大,他夸耀自己的价值,他让你觉得尴尬且难以应付。His haughty, arrogant and grandiose worth of himself, is very embarrassing to deal with.

这些提议与改造市场资本主义的宏伟计划毫不相干。These proposals have nothing to do with grandiose schemes for reinventing market capitalism.

然贪官污吏中饱私囊,大兴土木浪费挥霍,希望只能化作泡影。But hopes are dashed as corrupt officials pocket the money or squander it on grandiose projects.