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他一边向后退,一边鞠着躬,真是一种讽刺的谦恭。He bowed in sarcastic deference.

我不喜欢他说话时嘲讽的腔调。I dislike the sarcastic tone of his speech.

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不要坐立不安,语气嘲讽或自嘲。Don't fidget, be sarcastic or self-deprecating.

当然,我会边读边作充满讥讽的评论。Of course, I made sarcastic comments along the way.

很快,他就开始挖苦我,然后下了逐客令。He grew sarcastic very quickly and asked me to leave.

在第一个例句中,我会带点挖苦的意思。In my first example, I will use the sarcastic undertone.

对人讲反话有时候显得很不礼貌。It's sometimes not very nice to be sarcastic to a person.

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洛维特的主要贡献就是说了一些措辞文雅的挖苦话。Lovett's main contribution lay in elegantly sarcastic phrases.

有很多富人,他们是粗鲁的和喜欢挖苦人的。There are a lot of rich people. But they’re rude and sarcastic.

因为很多人都是看热闹的心态,还大喊讥讽性的口号。Because many of them are cuirious, and shouted the sarcastic slogans.

可是埃姆说话的态度并没有讥讽或傲慢狂妄的气味。Yet there was nothing sarcastic or supercilious in the way Ames spoke.

他说话时是一种挖苦的贬低腔调,罗琳将这种声调描述为“柔滑的”。He speaks sarcastic putdowns in a tone that Rowling describes as "silky."

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纽约人也很自豪能够妙语如珠或出言挑衅的讽刺。And New Yorkers pride themselves on quick quip or a biting sarcastic remark.

这个名字是一个诨名,意指那些常常开玩笑讽刺别人的人。The term was used as a nickname for people forever cracking sarcastic jokes.

潘每逢跟一些大人物相处以后,便变得尖酸刻薄,满不在乎地挖苦他们。Pen was sarcastic and dandified when he had been in the company of great folks.

叶甫连柯站在那里,双手放在桌面上。Yevlenko was standing with both hands on the desk, grating out sarcastic words.

你们所说的都是讥讽、自大、挖苦,在任何讨论中都没有用。Your posts are snide, snotty, sarcastic and serve no purpose in any discussion.

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但是我还没来得及说什么,校长露出了一个狡猾、几乎有些讥讽的微笑。But before I could say anything further he gave me a sly, almost sarcastic smile.

感谢您从不冷嘲热讽孩子眼中感到迷惑茫然的事情。Thank you for never being sarcastic The thing that baffles and bewilders a child.

所以,当然,你可以尽力并想出为什么一直以来你对他那么刻薄。So sure, you can try and figure out why you’re so sarcastic toward him all the time.