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请问,你是唐伯虎吗?。Are you Tong Pak Fu?

莫小贝是佟湘玉的小姑子。Mo, the sister of Tong.

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唐伯虎,还不快点画呀?Tong Pak Fu, draw it now.

通化街在哪里?Where's is Tong Hua Street?

这是我朋友,王彤。This is my friend, Wang Tong.

它可以成为毁灭性堂。It can be a ruinously tong time.

九龙塘牛津道2号悦苑。No. 2 Oxford Road, Kowloon Tong.

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他们不喜欢用这个大钳。They don't like using this tong.

他们不喜爱用这个大钳。They donat like using this tong.

下一站系九龙塘。The next station is Kowloon Tong.

童年是这所房子的唯一继承人。Tong Nian is its soly legal heir.

我是个讨厌的宝贝小童。I dislike is precious little tong.

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你以为我不知道,你一定认识唐伯虎吧。I know, you must know Tong Pak Fu.

有童佳倩的位置才是我刘易阳的家。Where there is Tong. there is home.

这幅才是唐伯虎的真迹,皇爷。This is the painting by Tong Pak Fu.

童在这个世界上生活了22年。Tong living in this world for 22years.

你知道唐厦的位置在哪里吗?Do you know the location of Tong House?

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我终于抢到唐伯虎的墨宝了。I have got the painting of Tong Pak Fu.

佟奉全坚辞不应。Tong Feng Quanjian demit do not answer.

桐庐有没有清真饭店啊?Do Tong Lu county have the Muslim hotel?