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但是他有一辆豪华轿车。But he has a limo.

新娘搭礼车至婚礼现场。The bride rode in a limo to the wedding.

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你们有没有小型巴士到机场的服务?Is there limo service available to the airport?

我的胸花,礼服,轿车,还有旅馆,都是你吗?My missing corsage, my dress, the limo and hotel?

拉菲尔抵达了停车场,坐进了他的豪华轿车里。Cofell arrives in the garage and gets inside his limo.

之后,我租了一辆豪华轿车安排在博物馆的门口随时待命。Then I reserved a limo to be waiting out front afterward.

欧伦按下了引爆器的按钮,豪华轿车爆炸了。Oren pushes a button on a detonator, and the limo explodes.

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接受了妈妈的劝告,他取得了一份开里礼车的工作。Being persuaded by his mother, he's taken a job driving a limo.

欧伦叫司机把车停在一辆早就停在那的车旁边,并向“将军”道别。Oren has the limo pull over behind a parked car and says goodbye.

例如,假设一家豪华汽车公司希望监视其车队。For example, let's say a limo company wants to monitor its fleet of cars.

司机正开着加长轿车送我去机场,他对着窗外指指点点The limo driver was driving me to the airport and was pointing out the scenes in London.

那位在结婚之日当礼车抛锚时愿意和你一起在公车上分享位子的人。Someone who, when the wedding day limo breaks down, is willing to share a seat on the bus.

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教皇把车开上了95号公路,并开始加速要试试这车的性能。The Pope proceeds to hop on Route 95 and starts accelerating to see what the limo could go.

一辆豪华轿车停在了一家俱乐部外,几个可爱的女人走出车门,Hector与她们打着招呼。A limo pulls up to a nightclub and Hector greets the several lovely women who pile out of it.

步下他们的礼车走上红地毯,他们受到群众的热烈欢迎。Stepping out of their limo onto the red carpet, they were greeted enthusiastically by the crowds.

那为什么昨天,他还在轿车里抱着个亚洲女人。我怎么会感到惊讶呢?。I wonder why he was pawing some asian chick in his limo yesterday. How could I be surprised, really?

愤怒的示威者一度拍打女英雄豪华轿车的窗户,说她是个“怪兽”。And at one stage angry protesters slap on the window of the heroine's limo to tell her she's "a monster".

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这个痩高的家伙用带着戒指的2个手指敲敲红木隔断,大车就开离了路边上路了。The lanky man tapped on the rosewood divider with two ringed fingers, and the limo pulled away from the curb.

几个设计草图提交欧洲注册表出现表明了即将举行的奔驰E级豪华轿车。Several design sketches filed with the European Registry have surfaced which show an upcoming Mercedes E-Class limo.

轿车司机,超马拉松,流浪汉和一个心烦意乱的小说家将要填充坚韧不拔的故事,这些网页。Limo drivers, ultra-marathoners, vagabonds, and a distraught novelist-to-be populate the pages of these gritty stories.