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他深深地涉入了反毒品运动。He was deeply involved with the anti-drugs crusade.

他率领军队讨伐叛乱。He headed the troops to crusade against the rebellion.

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通用电气通过“绿色创想”计划为其打上绿色标签。GE painted itself green with its "ecomagination" crusade.

斯托曼的自由软件改革始于打印机。Stallman's crusade for free software started with a printer.

在燃烧远征中,这被演绎成被一分为二的银月城。In The Burning Crusade. this translates into a divided Silvermoon.

美国是会为了再一次大举讨伐邪恶而摩拳擦掌?Is the US girding its loins for another great crusade against evil?

公元1099年,第一次十字军东征到达了其血腥的顶峰。It is the year 1099 and the first Crusade is building to its bloody climax.

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洪诺留还继续组织阿尔比派十字军进攻法国南部地区的异端派。He continued the Albigensian Crusade against the heretics of southern France.

她致力于一伟大事业,但其崇高的奋斗精神已变质成为偏执的狂热。Her commitment to a great cause degenerated from a crusade into an obsession.

而现在,奥巴马这种劫富济贫式的改革会让他们进一步收紧银根。And now, his Robin Hood crusade will encourage them to pull back even further.

无论人们认为可能与否,我的改革运动都不会停止。My crusade to inspire will continue whether people think it’s possible or not.

麦克奈特,一位驰骋在充满邪恶与危险世界之中的勇士,年轻的。Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent.

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自从Devon'死后,他的祖母开始她“一个女人的十字军运动”。Since Devon's death his grandmother has been on what she calls a "one-woman crusade."

第四次十字军东侵对拜占庭国家来说十一个规模空前的巨大灾难。The Fourth Crusade was a disaster of unprecedented dimensions for the Byzantine state.

和众人一起,狮心王理查德带领的第三次十字军被撒拉丁所阻挡。The third crusade lead by among others richard the lion-hearted is stopped by saladin.

和众人一起,狮心王理查德带领的第三次十字军被撒拉丁所阻挡。The Third Crusade lead by, among others, Richard the Lion-hearted, is stopped by Saladin.

美国十字军在中国,1938-1945≫,作者迈克尔•沙勒,哥伦比亚大学出版社,1979年出版The U.S. Crusade in China, 1938-1945 by Michael Schaller, Columbia University Press, 1979

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一群好战的牧师呼吁建立通过征伐将所有奥术施法者从大陆驱逐。A militant cleric calls for a crusade to expel all arcane spell casters from the continent.

宗教改革运动中马丁·路德创造众赞歌这种音乐体裁。This give occasion to happen Religion Crusade in Germany and Martin Luther invented chorale.

亨利需要很多钱来支持他在威尔士和法国的战争,以及罗马教廷的改革。Henry needed more money for his wars against Wales and France, and to support a papal crusade.