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他转动着仪表板上的一个旋钮。He twiddled a knob on the dashboard.

一个可以运动的横梁支撑住了板子。A transverse beam supports the dashboard.

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仪表板上的警示灯亮了起来。Warning lights lit up across his dashboard.

仪表板延迟和加载时间改进Dashboard latency and load-time improvements

仪表盘一盏黄灯闪着刺眼的光芒。A yellow light on the dashboard flashed angrily.

是在一张摄影画面里,还是在一位游吟诗人的歌唱里?Is it in a photograph, or a dashboard poet's song?

您可以在这里对新的仪表板进行个性化设置。This is where you can personalize your new dashboard.

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鲍勃转身对着仪表盘,摆弄着那些旋钮。Bob turns to the dashboard and fiddles with the dials.

阿达伸手到仪表板上关闭了车前灯。Ada reached to the dashboard and cut off the headlights.

创建您自己的控制板,贡献您的小部件。Create your own dashboard and contribute your own widgets

时度表成为BUGATTI仪表板时计的供货商。DOXA becomes BUGATTI's supplier for dashboard timepieces.

一辆巡逻车的仪盘表摄像头拍到了这一过程。A patrol car dashboard camera caught the incident on tape.

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LED灯的光棒供应发动机和仪表板,照亮了。LED light engines offer lights and bar the dashboard above.

而今夸特罗又增添了新仪表板的诱惑力。Now the quattro has the added attraction of a new dashboard.

你也可以看看可选的统计面板.You can also look for them on the opt-in statistics dashboard.

仪表板是汽车挡风玻璃下面的一块板。The dashboard is a panel beneath the windscreen of a motor-car.

您现在必须生成一些事件,以在仪表板中查看数据。You must now generate some events to see data in the dashboard.

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组织视图仅在门户仪表板中可用。Organizational views are available in the portal dashboard only.

指示板工具栏由以下导航链接组成The dashboard toolbar consists of the following navigation links

输入您的监视器模型实例并将它们添加到仪表板。Enter your monitor model instances and add them to the dashboard.