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其性能是目前机械式注聚泵无法比拟的。Its function is extremely superior to pouring concentrative compound pump at present.

在印度传统中是瑜伽禅定,也是一种纯粹的专注。Out of the Hindu tradition comes Yogic meditation, which is also purely concentrative.

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会计集中核算是会计委派制的基本形式之一,各地已逐步推开。Concentrative accounting system is one of the basic forms of accounting appointive system.

建设电信集中式告警系统就是解决这一问题的关键举措。Building a telecommunication concentrative alarm system is the key resolvent of those problems.

广西是我国岩溶石山面积集中、连片面积最大的省区之一。Guangxi is one of the provinces which own the concentrative and the largest area of karst and rock mountain in China.

电影是细节的艺术,它集中地体现了艺术家观察生活、提炼生活的水平和智慧。The film is specific art, it concentrative incarnate the artist observing living, abstract the level of life and wisdom.

同时探析创造性思维的基本构成,认为它的基本成分是扩散思维与集中思维。Third, the paper analyzes the basic composition of creative thinking, which consists of diffusing thinking and concentrative thinking.

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会计集中核算是会计委派制的基本形式之一,各地已逐步推开。Concentrative accounting system is one of the basic forms of accounting appointive system. It has been carried out gradually everywhere.

本文介绍了一套集中式变电站绝缘在线监测系统的硬件设计部分。This paper presents the part of the hardware design of a set of concentrative style on-line monitoring system for substation insulation.

作为市场投融资工具,它具有集中投资、分散风险、专业保管、品种繁多、运作稳妥等特点。Concentrative investment, diversifiable risk, professional custodian service, great varieties, and reliable operation are all its advantages.

为了保证七号信令网的正常高效运行,七号信令集中监测系统已成为对七号信令网进行集中监测和管理的重要工具。To ensure the SS7 network to work well, signaling No. 7 concentrative monitor system has become the important equipment to manage and monitor it.

本次调查发现职业伤害的季节性分布特征,昼时分布上有明显的集中时点,以中班为高发。Survey showed that there was seasonal feature of distribution occupational injury and obvious concentrative hour point, which existed in mid-duty.

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为了评价其预报效果,该方法在安徽地区得到初步检验,结果显示,在安徽固镇地区的中强地震前半年左右该参数异常现象明显。The result shows that the concentrative degree anomalies are significant about half year before medium or big earthquake occurred in Guzhen region.

传统高度集中的计划经济体制和传统赶超型的经济发展战略是我国传统经济模式的两大支柱。The two pillars of China's traditional economic model are highly concentrative plan economy and traditional overtaking economic development strategy.

在军区总医院这一级医院对全部在用的药品进行集中议价,是一种有益的探索。The concentrative negotiation of the prices for being used drugs in the hospitals such as general hospital of military command is profitable exploration.

支配上述各器官的交感节后神经元的分散区则分别位于其各自集中区的周围。The scattered region of sympathetic postganglionic neurons of those organs were located respectively in the periphery of respective concentrative region.

汉长安城与咸阳城相比,突出的特点是比较集中,分置外郭城与内城,礼制建筑修建在城外的南郊。Compared to Xianyang, Chang'an city has the concentrative layout with inner and outer city, the fudal ethic construction was build at the south of the city.

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又因为此种方法,是逐点获得数值解的,因此,用于集中载荷等问题时不显工作量大和浪费。Because the numerical solution is obtained point to point by it, the probabilistic numerial method is not expensive for the problem of concentrative loading.

设计了一种“集中管理,分散控制”的分布式控制网络,并编制了该系统的通讯监控程序。Designs a scattered control network based on the principle " concentrative monitor and separate control" and programs communication supervisor of the system.

贵州地处中国西南喀斯特分布的中心,是我国西南喀斯特地貌发育最充分、分布最集中的地区之一。Located in the center of karst area in southwest China, Guizhou is one of the districts whose karst physiognomy well developed and concentrative distributed.