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我是他们的后妈!I am their stepmother.

别忘了,我的继母又是我的继女。stepmother is my stepdaughter.

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我后母要杀我!My stepmother wants to kill me!

所以我的继女现在就是我的继母。So my stepdaughter is now my stepmother.

后妈和姐姐对辛黛瑞拉不好。Her stepmother and sisters are bad to her.

他的继母说话尖刻,唠叨不休。He had a sharp-tongued, nagging stepmother.

我一见到我的后母,我就讨厌她了。I hated my stepmother as soon as I saw her.

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你的后母会找到你杀了你的。Your stepmother will find you and kill you.

他的继母说话尖刻,唠叨不休。He had a sharp- tongued , nagging stepmother.

她苦苦哀求她的继母让她去。She begged her stepmother to allow her to go.

“你们两个顽皮的孩子,”后母说。"You naughty children, "says their stepmother.

她对继母怀有怨恨。She harboured resentment against her stepmother.

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后娘对她和她的兄弟很残忍。The stepmother was cruel to her and her brother.

母亲去世了,夫亲又给她娶了一个后妈。Mother died, and her father married a stepmother.

别忘了我的继母正是我的继女。Don't forget that my stepmother is my stepdaughter.

别忘了,我的继母又是我的继女。Don’t forget that my stepmother is my stepdaughter.

命运对有些人如同亲娘,对另外一些人就是后妈。Fortune to one is mother, to another is stepmother.

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他永远也不会接受有一个继母的想法。He never adapts to the idea of having a stepmother.

阿巧的继母对她和她弟弟很残酷。Aqiao's stepmother was cruel to her and her brother.

她看我的眼神,我简直就是一个恶毒的后母。She looked at me as if I were the wicked stepmother.