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它既是甲胄又是武器。It is an armour and a weapon.

飞牛大师的盔甲。Master Flying-Rhino's armour.

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我的姓名是菲利浦·亚莫尔。My name is Phillip D. Armour.

猪穿甲胄仍是猪。A hogin armour is still a hog.

他们的甲胄和干戈藏在哪里呢?Where were their armour and their arms?

是什么使得有人收集武器和铠甲?What makes someone collect arms and armour?

胄甲啪的一声重重地摔在了地上。A suit of armour fell over with a loud crash.

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战士们整好队准备跟敌人战斗。He girded himself with armour for the battle.

我希望亚哈谢也不会太难对付。I hope Ahaziah doesn’t have any armour either.

他们还装备着剑和轻甲。They also carry swords, and have light armour.

扫罗把自己的剑和盔甲给了大卫。Saul offered his own sword and armour to David.

我们的步兵和装甲兵均比敌军的少。We have less infantry and armour than the enemy.

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甲沟炎不拔脚甲能治好吗?。Doesn't paronychia unplug crural armour can cure?

在这一层,炮座也由装甲进行保护。On the same level, the main barbette armour starts.

塔利班喜欢它是因为它能打穿防弹衣。The Taliban like it because it pierces body armour.

钩镰民兵手持锋利钩镰,盔甲简陋。Militia unit armed with a billhook and little armour.

奥博德夏戟兵是身穿板甲的丹麦精锐部队。Skilled Danish halberd unit armoured in plate armour.

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又失败了,小魔鬼又弃甲而逃。Failed again, small devil and abandon armour and flee.

增强河谷,亚尔诺和洛汗的盔甲升级。Enhancements for Dale, Arnor and Rohan armour upgrades.

意大利重骑兵是装备板甲和骑枪的重装骑兵。Well equipped heavy cavalry with plate armour and a lance.