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黄土形成时的沙尘暴活动比古土壤形成时要强的多。Dust storms in Loess period were much stronger than in paleosol period.

其顶部覆盖了末次间冰期古土壤与末次冰期黄土。The last interglacial paleosol and last glacial loess units overlie the top of this section.

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富氧的海水在细菌的作用下,使古土壤中的有机质被分解,从而使其具备了早期成岩作用的条件。Oxygen-rich sea-water resolved the organic matter in the paleosol through the action of bacteria.

第8层古土壤特殊的厚层淀积代表了气候的多次变化和多个成壤期。The thick illuvial horizon in the 8th paleosol layer indicates the repeated soil-forming processes and climate changes.

中国黄土—古土壤堆积是全球冰期—间冰期气候变化与东亚古季风气候变化共同作用的结果。Chinese Loess Paleosol sediments were just controlled by both the factors of glacial interglacial and paleomonsoon climate.

在UCC标准化图与CL标准化图中,大墩岭黄土与古土壤变化趋势基本一致。In UCC and CL normalized maps, the variation trend of loess is basically consistent with that of paleosol in Dadunling section.

从黄土-古土壤中提取影响环境变化的因子并对未来全球变化的预测是目前古土壤与环境变化研究中的热点。The focus issue of pole-climatic and paleosol study is to extract factor which affects environment change from loess- paleosol.

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黄土、古土壤剖面中物质粒度是恢复古环境的重要指标之一。The grain size of loess and paleosol sequence is regarded as one of the most important proxies to reconstruct paleoenvironment.

现今出露于中国北方地表的红色土壤是在红色古土壤和红色古风化壳上发育的,而且大多经历了不连续的成土过程。In north of China, Latosol-like soils which were exposed to the earths surface were developed from red Paleosol and red paleo-weathered crust.

高原黄土沉积地层的黄土-古土壤序列中蕴藏着丰富的环境变化信息,是研究高原季风演化的良好地质记录。Our study also shows that loess paleosol sequence is one of the best sources from which the history of the plateau monsoon evolution can be derived.

红褐色古土壤层空隙度低小,入渗系数较小,含水空间发育较弱,利于构成隔水层。The paleosol layers have lower porosity, smaller infiltration coefficient and weaker aquifer space which benefits for forming of the water-resisting layers.

在昆仑山北坡高海拔地区现存的黄土应是在当地较温暖湿润的时期沉积的。But in the northern flank of Tianshan Mountains, several layers of paleosol are present in the loess section, and both Holocene and late Pleistocene loess is observed.

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古土壤和湖泊中的有机质碳同位素与磁化率指标被广泛应用于古气候的重建。The data of carbon isotope in organic matter and magnetic susceptibility of paleosol and lacustrine sediment are extensively used to reconstruct the paleoclimatic change.