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他检查了一下他枪膛里的火药。He looked to the priming of his gun.

赫尔启动完成后,在甲板的进展。Hull priming complete, deck in progress.

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磷脂酶D在大鼠外周血白细胞引爆中的作用。The role of phospholipase D in the priming.

就像研究人员说的,“这中激发、启动效应很重要”。As the researchers put it, "the priming effect is key".

美国似乎在为"后穆沙拉夫时代"的到来作准备。The US seems to be priming itself for a post-Musharraf scenario.

本文探讨其促发机制以及进行早期干预的效果。This paper discusses its priming mechanism, and early intervention.

本发明涉及一种水性环氧富锌底漆。This invention relates to a water-based epoxy zinc-rich priming paint.

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本研究考察跨语言句法启动及其机制。This study probed into the mechanism of cross-language syntactic priming.

适宜引发方式处理后,3个品种的茎粗均显著增加。No. 3. The optimum approach priming significantly increased stem diameter.

用部分干燥的颜料或底色作的画常出现画面皱缩。Working over partly dry pigment or priming may produce a wrinkled surface.

流经泵系统包括有固定的速率,自我启动的软管泵。The Flow Through System Pump is fixed-speed, self priming peristaltic pump.

因此,RWW集中在你的登山精神启动性能。So the RWW concentrates on the mental priming for your climbing performance.

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启动效应的研究是内隐记忆研究的重要组成部分。The research of priming effects was an important component of implicit memory.

不用担心,虽然,因为这将砂纸顺利之前启动和绘画。No worries though, as this will be sanded smooth prior to priming and painting.

然后他们用与“成就“相关的词,影射人们。And then they did something priming people with words related to an achievement.

粉末涂料作为车轮的底层涂装和面层罩光涂料,在国内得到了大量应用。Powder paint mainly for priming and varnishing has been widely used domestically.

采用快速命名方法探讨不同加工水平对联想启动效应的影响。It supports perceptual priming effect, which is unaffected by the level of processing.

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等离子体显示器被认为是实现大屏幕壁挂电视显示最有希望的方案。PDP is considered to be the most priming candidate for the large screen TV on the wall.

残留物中再生形成的赤霉素和吲哚乙酸与抑病有关。Study on the priming action of gibberellin and kinetin contained in the digested residual.

首先是Barge的研究,影射分为潜意识和有意识影射。First of all, the work of Barge, priming is when we have subconscious or conscious priming.