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还是当船夫好呢?Or when the punter is good?

作为足球评论员,我一贯都是很冷静的。As a punter , I'm pretty cool.

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每个赌徒和玩家有自己的风格的工作。Each gambler and punter has their own style of working.

起码有一个赌徒会为忽视保罗后悔不迭。At least one punter was kicking himself for not paying attention to Paul.

筛选行为的关键是提供永远只吸引某类客户的协议。The essence of screening is to offer deals which would only ever attract one type of punter.

首先,因为重力是常数,那么不管球员如何踢球g也是常数。First, because the force of gravity is constant, g will be the same no matter how a punter kicks the ball.

为标准,银行间市场和业务的商业银行处理沉重的玩家命令自己。For standard , inter-bank marketplace and operations in commercial banks handle heavy punter orders themselves.

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看跌的赌家则愿意卖出这个价差,即接受120这个买进报价,押注市场指数会跌至120以下。A bearish punter would sell the spread, or accept the bid price of 120, placing a down bet that the market will fall below 120.

政府在未来的几天内可能会进行相关检测,但是在这之前,对此事的严重性,人们到底应该担心到什么程度。Officials are likely to make such determinations in coming days, but until then how worried should the globally mobile punter be?

一年之中Vuze用户平均去电影院看8次电影,而其它被调查者的次数则只有6次。In a typical year a Vuze user will go to the flicks eight times, whereas the average non-Vuze punter will go out to a movie only six times.

曼联目前处在榜首,但15轮过后有可能就是利物浦了,所以我只是为兴趣而看这场比赛,并不关心比分。Man United are in the lead at the moment but in 15 games it might be Liverpool, so I will be watching it out of interest as a punter but I am not worried about the result.

我总想说,对我们过去所做的作品有很大的期盼,但是年轻人却不去体会。因为他们只听了我们的精选辑,往往只偏好这些亮眼大家称赞的吉他事情。I always thought we had a lot of breadth to what we did but the casual punter didn't realise that because they just heard our singles, which tended to be these flash, anthemic guitar things.