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滴铃铃!Drop bell bell!

给我寄张明信片来。Drop me a postcard.

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沧海一粒。A drop in the ocean.

Hale转而将枪口对着Lisa,“把电话筒扔了,女士。Drop the phone lady.

我让它断掉我妈妈的通话。I let it drop my mom.

当我的读者骤减时。When my readers drop.

我在哪里把你放下去?Where can I drop you?

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别掉下眼泪。Don't drop down tears.

一定不要放弃你的卫生防护!Don't drop your guard!

价格可能下降。Prices will drop back.

物价骤跌。The prices drop sharply.

风不久就会停止。The wind will soon drop.

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请让我在下一个站下车。Drop me off at next stop.

下沉斜方肌的皮肤。Drop your trapezius skin.

不许动,放下武器!Freeze! ! Drop your arms!

我的工作是抛撒干扰片。My job was to drop chaff.

我们乘便造访一下约翰吗?Shall we drop in on John?

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对不起,罗罗唆唆跟你说了这么多。Sorry to drop all on you.

什么时候都可以来我这里。Drop in on me at any time.

得闲来玩。Drop in when you are free.