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这个房间很通风。It's drafty in this room.

这房间通风真好。你看洗菜盆十大名牌。It's drafty in this room.

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里面还是挺宽敞挺通风的。It is quite spacious and very drafty.

宜在安宁、通风良好的房间内练习。Appropriate practices inside quiet, drafty room.

窗户开着,房间里的穿堂风大得吓人。The room is terribly drafty with the window open.

通风良好是评价居住空间质量的一个标准。Drafty a standard that is quality of evaluation living space.

那么,你最终想给通风良好的地下室带来一些活力吗?So, you finally want to bring some life into that drafty basement?

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躺在透风的飞机地板上,根本无法让身体暖和起来。Lying on the drafty floor of the airplane, there was no way to warm myself.

依次检查门、窗、壁炉和其他可能存在缝隙的部位。Check around doors, windows, fireplaces, and other areas that may feel drafty.

我自己的宅邸已经大的足够容纳任何人,而且比你们那些寒风嗖嗖的维斯特洛伊城堡舒服多了。My manse is large enough for any man, and more comfortable than your drafty Westerosi castles.

加略特到了他的新住处——预备大楼3层一个通风的小公寓。Garriott arrives at his new quarters, a drafty little apartment on the third floor of the Prophy.

这件衣服很凉——就像是我那件一直挂在通风的走廊里的夹克,早上第一次穿上时的感觉。It was cold — the way my jacket felt when I first picked it up in the morning, hanging in the drafty hallway.

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光照喜光向阳,土质有机质砂质,通风良好。Illumination is fond of smooth exposed to the sun, earthy and organic qualitative arenaceous qualitative, drafty.

为了对外保持一个假象,好显得他这所潮湿漏风的石砌山间农舍是个寻欢纵欲的绝妙之处。To sustain the illusion that his damp and drafty stone farmhouse in the hills was a golden palace of carnal delights.

到了冬天,修女们便会拥挤在一间取暖室里。在这四面透风、冰冷如石的修道院中只有取暖室里有火炉。In the winter, the nuns would huddle in the Warming Room, the only room with a fireplace in the drafty , stone-cold abbey.

给墙壁或着地面加温要比加热房内的空气更让人感到舒适,因为后者不够透风。Heating a house by warming the walls or floors is more comfortable than heating the air inside a house. It is not so drafty.

通风良好的宅邸依靠石头层中心的篝火来取暖,带毛衬里的厚重的斗篷也被用来保暖。Drafty halls were warmed by a log fire in the centre of the stone floor. Enormously heavy fur-lined cloaks were worn to keep warm.

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从维修火炉到更换通风门窗,住宅改进工程能为您的来冬节约大笔费用。From servicing the furnace to replacing drafty windows and doors, home improvement projects can add up to big savings come winter.

其他人点头称是,接着吃龙虾牛排。“我一般在凉屋子里睡得最好,有风我就会咳醒。”The others nod, continue eating the lobster and the steak, "I always sleep best in cool rooms, but if it's drafty I wake up with a cough."

赫敏一挥魔杖,点亮了老式的气灯,屋里有穿堂风,她微微发抖地在沙发上坐下,双臂紧紧地抱住身子。Hermione waved her wand to ignite the old gas lamps, then, shivering slightly in the drafty room, she perched on the sofa, her arms wrapped tightly around her.