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葆拉从没见过有人癫痫发作。Paula had never seen an epileptic seizure.

儿子癫痫一发作,全身就出血点。Epileptic son of an attack on the systemic bleeding.

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额叶癫痫组仅4例有轻度海马萎缩。In frontal epileptic group, there were only 4 cases with mild hippocampal atrophy.

所有患者行常规脑电图或长程脑电监测均未发现疒间样放电。Epileptic discharge was not observed in all of the patients with EEG or Long-range EEG.

婴儿痉挛症是一种好发于婴儿时期的难治型痫样脑病。Infantile spasm is a severe epileptic encephalopathy that is quite specific to infancy.

文中给出了家兔在癫痫诱发药物作用下,癫痫发作与未发作期间的脑功能状态图。In this paper the brain function state diagrams of rabbits are normal and epileptic fit.

原则上讲各种类型的癫痫发作都会有癫痫持续状态发生。In principle, there will be various types of epileptic seizures status epilepticus occurred.

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根据临床及脑波,他被诊断为婴儿早期癫痫脑病变。Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy was diagnosed based on the clinical and EEG features.

用JNH手臂稳定度测试康复仪对35例接受抗痫药物治疗的癫痫患者进行了手臂稳定度测定。JNH hand and arm stability tester was applied to 35 epileptic patients treated by antiepileptic drugs.

目的研究儿童癫与光敏感性的关系。Objective To investigate the photosensitivity among pediatric epileptic patient, and their characters.

方法通过对17例癫疒间患儿药效学观察,评价CGZMT的临床疗效。Methods Curative effect of CGZMT was evaluated through clinical case analysis in 17 epileptic children.

与其他类型的癫痫发作相比,失神发作症状温和,但仍然很危险。Compared with other types of epileptic seizures, absence seizures appear mild. But they can be dangerous.

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但有些人却认为这个会徽奇丑无比,甚至有些人声称它有可能诱发癫痫。Others, though, called it ugly, cheesy and there were even claims that it could trigger epileptic seizures.

MS患者癫痫发作与皮质-皮质下斑块病灶有关。There was a correlation between epileptic seizures in patients with MS and the cortical-subcortical lesions.

几天后,当邱再次去拜访林时,发现房门大开,由于癫痫病发作,林躺在地板上不醒人事,邱把她送到医院,照料她直到身体康复。She had suffered an epileptic attack. Qiu rushed Lin to the hospital and took care of her until she was discharged.

这个包含海马区在内的区域,与记忆密切相关,是多种癫痫发作的一个根源。This area, which includes the hippocampus and is associated with memory, is a frequent source of epileptic seizures.

一名十五岁男学生独自返家时,在通往康泽花园时,突然全身抽搐昏倒地上而已且心脏停搏。While on his way back home from school, a 15 year old boy suffered an epileptic fit, leading to sudden cardiac arrest.

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文章提出了一种基于二阶C0复杂度的预测算法用于预测癫痫发作。In the paper, a prediction algorithm based on the second-order C0 complexity was proposed to predict epileptic seizures.

方法采用荧光偏振免疫法对385例癫患者进行血药浓度监测。Methods The serum concentration of AEDs in 385 epileptic patients was determined by fluorescence polarization immunoassay.

方法采用荧光偏振免疫法对385例癫癎患者进行血药浓度监测。Methods The serum concentration of AEDs in 385 epileptic patients was determined by fluorescence polarization immunoassay.