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森林学和地理学有关。Forestry appertains to geography.

什么是林业的优先重点?What are the priorities for forestry?

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林业、水利建设取得新进展。Forestry and water conservancy made new progress.

指导林业有害生物的防治、检疫工作。To direct prevention and quarantine of forestry pests.

在一次钓鱼的时候,保尔结识了林务官的女儿冬妮娅。In a fishing, Paul made forestry official daughter dounia.

传统林业的影子正在日趋淡化。The traditional forestry shadow is desalinating day by day.

亚洲及太平洋林业研究支持计划。Forestry research support programme for Asia and the Pacific.

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怀化市是湖南省的重点林区。Huaihua city is an important forestry area in Hunan province.

模式标本保存于北京林业大学。The holotype is deposited in the Beijing Forestry University.

模式标本保存在西北林学院。The type specimen are kept in NorthwesternCollege of Forestry.

陕西的林业官员匆忙为周正龙辩解。Forestry officials in Shaanxi have rushed to Mr Zhou's defence.

外生菌根在营林上的作用越来越为人们所重视。Recently ectomycorrhizae are paid more attention to in forestry.

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森林学与地理学、植物学和农学有关。Forestry appertains to geography , to botany, and to agriculture.

福建南平是南方重点林区之一。Nanping belongs to one of forestry area of emphasis in the south.

树木学是林学专业的专业基础课。Dendrology is one foundational course in the Specialty of Forestry.

研究标本及模式标本保存于西北林学院。The type specimens are deposited in the Northwest Forestry College.

根据国家林业局,今年的风暴也比较弱。And it's much weaker as well, according to the State Forestry Bureau.

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它既是应用气象学的一个分支,又是林学的一门基础学科。It is a branch of applied meteorology , forestry is a basic branches.

杨树是林木基因工程的模式植物。Poplar has been developed as a model in forestry genetic engineering.

林业股票投资的风险包括系统风险和非系统风险。Risk of forestry stock investment include system and non-system risk.