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第三幕是收场。Act three is the denouement.

土地测量员没想到会是这样一个结局。The surveyor had not expected such a dénouement.

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这样草草收场,柯帕乌绝不会高兴的。Cowperwood was in no way pleased by this rough denouement.

于是,可怕的高潮来了,故事在精彩的叙述中,黑暗结局。So builds the dreadful climax and dark denouement of this brilliant narrative.

但是在现实生活中,满心期望这种结局的年轻人,往往会大失所望。But in real life young men who hoped for this denouement were apt to be disappointed.

或许,天气状况和紧张情绪将导致极端暴力的、非常糟糕的结局。Or perhaps conditions and fraying nerves will lead to a very violent, very bad denouement.

美国和欧洲正孤独一起的一步步走向大崩溃的结局。And it is Europe andAmerica that are marching, alone and together, to the denouement of a granddebacle.

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她的小说颠覆了线性叙事的传统,没有清晰的时间线索,也没有简单明了的结局。Her novel subverts the conventions of linear narrative. It has no neat chronology and no tidy denouement.

如同大部分情节一样,这一结局在影片中表现得很含糊,因为库布里克先生删减了大部分解说性的内容。Like much of the plot, this denouement is not clear in the film, from which Mr. Kubrick cut most of the expository material.

这就是我的超级英雄的传奇故事,当然故事仍在继续。This is pretty much the extraordinary tale of my superhero. But don't think that this narrative has reached a dénouement yet.

狄更斯小说的结局总是好人得到好报坏人受到惩罚。But Lao She completely abandoned the miraculous denouement of Dickens"s novels in which virtue is rewarded and vice punished."

十来个街区的孩子们都围到了马车旁边,急切地等着看什么悲惨可怕的结局。All about the carriage were gathered the children from a dozen blocks, waiting and eager for some tragic and terrible denouement.

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经过无处不在的大众媒体的传播,承认败选和宣布胜利的礼仪使选举得以在富有升华性的尾声中结束。Communicated by pervasive mass media, the ritual of conceding defeat and declaring victory becomes the election’s cathartic dénouement.

但他似乎已经做得太过火弱手,所以更有力的结局招手,并与它的更大的不稳定的危险。But he seems to have overplayed a weak hand, and so a more forceful denouement beckons, and with it the real risk of greater instability.

这些小结是对信息丰富的章节的小结,也在读者和作者之间建立了一个纽带。These sections are a pleasant denouement to the information-rich chapters and create a more personal connection between readers and the authors.

同时他还透露了一件还没有旁人告诉过科勒的事情。这件事在以后几天疯狂的日子中还产生了一个戏剧尾声般的场面。He also revealed something which no one else had yet mentioned to Koller and which was to lead to a certain denouement during the next few frantic days.

所有的幻想都消失在这两种声音的份额就作为诗的本质隐喻国进行对话,辉煌的结局。All of the illusions fall away during this brilliant denouement as the two voices share a dialogue on the power of metaphor as the very essence of poetry.

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因为这样,布莱尔作为一个代表中间左派的政治家仍然是具有历史意义的,非同寻常的代表了同时代的自由干涉主义,它的高潮和结局。In that way, Blair remains a historic center-left statesman, singularly representative of contemporary liberal interventionism, its climax and denouement at once.

上述事件将如何发展与收场,将指导下周的市场走势,甚至可能决定着全年的收尾表现.至少爱尔兰的问题或已接近于出台一个结果.How they are resolved -- and Ireland, at least, may be close to denouement -- will dictate the coming week's progress on markets and, possibly, the year as a whole.

为了抵达那个戏剧性的终点,我们必须疲惫地在每个城市停留,煞有介事,枯燥无比,以致媒体不再追踪我们的行程。The dramatic denouement required us to go through tiring stops at each city designed to be so boringly matter-of-fact that the media would stop tracking our movements.