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所以我变成了一个局外人。So I learn to be an outsider.

别把我当做外人。Don't treat me as an outsider.

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既是一个彻罗基的圈内人,又是一个圈外人。A Cherokee insider and outsider.

获胜的马是一匹完全不起眼儿的冷门马。The winning horse was a rank outsider.

哈特扮演的被误为坏人的好人总是一个局外人。Hart's good-bad man was always an outsider.

和圈外人也不可以拖手啦。You can hold the hand of an outsider either.

刚才的话,太见外了。Just of words, think as one outsider too much.

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没有什么比害怕侵略者更是人之常情了。Nothing is more human than fearing the outsider.

他再也不能把自己当作一个气哼哼的门外汉了。He cannot pose any more as the disgruntled outsider.

他以一个局外人和来自人民的代表身份开始任期。He took office as an outsider and man of the people.

你可以做个十足的内行人,也可以做个十足的门外汉。You can be a rank insider as well as a rank outsider.

好吧。我明白了我只是个局外人我不属于她。Alright, I see. I am only an outsider. I don't belong to her.

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从我加入公司的那天起,我就感到自己像个外来者。From the day that I joined I was made to feel like an outsider.

这个名字来自两人对局外人艺术的共同的热爱。The name came from the two Davids' shared love of outsider art.

这个外地人在当地的一家商店购物时挨宰了。This outsider was fleeced when he was shopping in a local shop.

保诚集团在亚洲可能算是一家大公司,但它始终是一个外来者。Prudential may be big in Asia, but it will always be an outsider.

非嫡系后代更具野性,更加难以预料,更加难以控制。Outsider offspring are wilder, less expected, more out of control.

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你开始以局外人和局内人来看待这两个社会。You begin to see the societies as both an outsider and an insider.

若外来的公猴强占母猴群就会发生悲剧。A hostile take-over of the troop by an outsider male means tragedy.

整本书内容丰富,包含广阔,已达到界外艺术的最高境界。The book is rich and disturbing, a supreme example of outsider art.