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孔玉芬?Bore jade aroma?

练习是很沈闷的。Practice is a bore.

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好女人令我厌烦。Good women bore one.

她对他怀有爱慕之心。She bore love to him.

大口径的MT4主轴。Large MT4 spindle bore.

人群推挤着我们向前。The crowd bore us along.

杰克赢得了奖品。Jack bore away the prize.

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船驶出海了。The ship bore out to sea.

挺让人不舒服的,希望他不要讨人嫌。I hope he won't be a bore.

他记住了他的教训。He bore his lesson in mind.

他高举出鞘的匕首。He bore aloft a drawn dagger.

那只船已驶近我们了。The boat has bore down to us.

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那贼把我的表抢去了。The thief bore away my watch.

杰克赢得好几项奖。Jack bore away several prizes.

此信有他的署名。The letter bore his signature.

生旧叉烧好过生你。Bore a meat good gone bore you.

做家务真是令人烦透了。Doing housework is a real bore.

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他与同学们并驾齐驱。He bore up with his classmates.

这座桥架在十座桥脚上。The bridge bore upon ten piers.

主轴孔的大小是105毫米。The spindle bore size is 105mm.