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亲亲叶赫你回来拉!Kiss Empress pull you back!

红南国的皇太后。Kounan Country's Empress dowager.

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倒是让皇太后看笑话了。Pour is show empress dowager joke.

你们六个都要住叶赫家?You have to live Empress six home?

你最好变心,学皇后。Make it change. Learn from the Empress.

那只是你心目当中的男子汉,母后。That's your idea of a man, Empress Mother.

后亦用为后妃的代称。Also used after the code name for the empress.

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慈禧非常兴奋她的生日礼物。The Empress Dowager was thrilled by her present.

可是凝霜觉得娘娘真不该这样。But Ning frost feel empress really not should so.

能忍一时气,可免百日忧。He who can suppress a moment's anger may empress.

她是玛丽亚·泰瑞莎女皇众多孩子中的一个。She was one of empress Maria Theresa's many kids.

女皇塞奥多拉在去世前任命米哈伊尔继承王位。Michael was named by the empress as she lay dying.

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有趣的是,花椒与皇帝后妃有关。Interestingly, with the emperor, empress on pepper.

中国的皇帝害怕卑弥呼女王。The chinese emperor was scared about Empress Himiko.

你知道中国第一位女皇帝是什么时候上台执政的吗?Do you knohen the first Chinese empress came to power?

皇后娘娘千岁千岁,千千岁。May the Empress live a thousand times a thousand years.

皇太后开口,谁敢不从。The empress dowager opens mouth, who defiance not from.

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这位女皇要求人人都要对她打躬作揖。The empress expected everyone to bow and scrape to her.

月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。Top of tree on the month, person invite evening empress.

都认为慈安是被慈禧毒死的。Empress Ci'An was believed to have been poisoned by Ci'Xi.