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卡布里岛还有什么好玩的?U caribou island and any fun?

哥威迅人怕驯鹿会消失。The Gwich'in feared the caribou would disappear.

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他听到远处有一群小驯鹿尖叫的声音。Afar off he heard the squawking of caribou calves.

他听见远处传来小驯鹿的尖叫声。After off he heard the squawking of caribou calves.

棕熊则食用大到驯鹿小至浆果的所有食物。Brown bears eat everything from caribou to berries.

猎取驯鹿是哥威迅人的生存方法。Hunting caribou is the way of life of the Gwich'in.

哥威迅族人绝大部分是猎人,以狩猎驯鹿为生。Most of the Gwich'in are hunters, who live on hunting caribou.

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卡里布对他弟弟很不耐烦,神一定会惩罚这些心狠手了的凶手的。Caribou dont fret brother, God must punish this cruel and heartless murder.

圣诞节将近,驯鹿正计划推出火鸡餐应节。As Christmas nears, Caribou plans to provide a Turkey menu to greet the season.

Kuhnlein补充道,对于绿叶蔬菜而言,传统的因纽特人吃驯鹿和鹿胃里的蔬菜残渣。For greens, Kuhnlein adds, traditional Inuit “ate the stomach contents of caribou and deer.”

冬天,爱斯基摩人住在拱形的圆顶小屋,夏天则住在用驯鹿皮做成的帐篷里。Igloos are used as a winter residence, in the summer tents of caribou skins provide shelter.

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一个钟头以前,这些残骨还是头小驯鹿,跳着,跑着,活生生的。The debris had been a caribou calf an hour before, squawking and running and very much alive.

公园也是豪猪、驯鹿群和50万候鸟所占有的地方。The park is also the domain of the Porcupine caribou herd and half a million migratory birds.

当我跟我的因纽特主人交谈时,他的妻子把北极狼皮和北美驯鹿皮堆在冰床上。I was talking with my Inuit host, his wife piled Arctic wolf and caribou skins on the ice bed.

春天的到来带来了加拿大北部三百万头驯鹿的大迁徙。Spring in northern Canada means the migration of three million caribou across the arctic tundra.

苔原野生动物和植物图片。迁徙北美驯鹿在阿拉斯加的北坡从积雪覆盖转变到打开放牧地。Migrating caribou on Alaska's North Slope transition from winter snow cover to open grazing grounds.

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当我跟我的因纽特人交谈时,他的妻子把北极狼皮和北美驯鹿皮堆在冰床上。While I was talking with my Inuit host, his wife piled Arctic wolf and caribou skins on the ice bed.

圣诞小鹿,这种生长于北美洲的驯鹿,能直接帮助并促进树木在野外的生长。Reindeer, known as caribou in North America, can directly aid such trees by promoting their growth in the wild.

整整一夜,他都听到那只病狼的咳嗽声,时而也有小驯鹿的叫声传来。Throughout the night he heard the cough of the sick wolf, and now and then the squawking of the caribou calves.