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大型的跳蚤市场—即香格里拉。Large flea market-namely fragrant space lira.

里拉是阿拉伯语中磅的翻译。The word lira is the Arabic translation of pound.

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我只有两个里拉,你真的明白吗?I only have two lira. You do understand that, don't you?

帝国工程师莉拉·韦塞克斯站在巨人的肩膀上建造她的杰作。Lira Wessex, Imperial engineer, built her work on the shoulders of giants.

我要用铁锤伺候埃尔金大理石雕塑,之后用蒙娜丽莎来擦屁股。I'd do the Elgin Marbles with a sledgehammer and wipe my ass with the Mona Lira.

土耳其中央银行为了稳住里拉的利率,也对货币市场进行了调节。Turkey’s central bank also intervened in currency markets to hold down the lira.

在欧元之前,圣马力诺里拉能与意大利里拉兑换。Before the Euro, the Sammarinese lira was coupled to and exchangeable with the Italian lira.

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但是的士竟然也用了半个小时,而且计价器冲上了40里拉。Somehow, however, it also took half an hour, by which time the meter had wracked up 40 lira.

此外,由于土耳其里拉是合法的货币,其弱小而敏感的经济很容易受到影响。Moreover, the small, vulnerable economy has suffered because the Turkish lira is legal tender.

大多数那不列斯人靠在这座城市迷宫般的小巷里兜售违禁香烟来赚取第一笔钱。Many Neapolitans earn their first lira selling contraband cigarettes in the city's maze of alleys.

意大利里拉的诱惑,使得马特乌斯以及他的拜仁队友布雷默加入了国米。The lure of the lira sawMatthäus, along with Bayern colleague Andreas Brehme, joinInternazionale in Milan.

对鲜花生意和旅游业的担忧令肯尼亚先令和土耳其里拉仍将面临压力。The Kenyan shilling and Turkish lira would remain under pressure on worries about horticulture and tourism.

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周武因为心里愧疚则坐在院子里拉着胡琴,不吃不喝的拉了一天一夜。Tempo, because in the heart of guilt is sitting in the yard lira urheen, dont eat not to drink a day and a night.

是啊,法郎、马克、德拉马克、比塞塔、里拉,还有游客们去欧洲时必须与之打交道的很多其他币种就要与我们说再见了。Yes, it's goodbye to the franc, the mark, drachma , peseta, lira and many of the other currencies which now confront visitors to Europe.

墨西哥比索和土耳其里拉暴跌至创纪录低点,因为美国大选后的“特朗普交易”刺激美元走强和债券收益率上涨。The Mexican peso and Turkish lira plumbed record lows, as the post-election "Trump trade" spurred a stronger dollar and higher bond yields.

由于埃及市场周五和周六休市,投资人抛售谢克尔和里拉,买入美元来规避动荡时期的风险.With Egyptian markets closed on Fridays and Saturdays, investors sold shekels and lira and bought the dollar in a proxy trade during the unrest.

土耳其里拉仍然可能持续疲弱,因此我们建议再任何拉回的时候出场,因为它是我们投资组合中相对超卖的货币。The Turkish lira is likely to remain weak, but we recommend using pullbacks to sell as it remains oversold versus a basket of similar currencies.

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法西斯党编辑们报道说,这些节俭措施将改变现在意大利贸易顺差的现状,会起到稳定里拉的作用。These savings, wrote the Fascist editors, will enable Italy's unfavorable trade balance to be overcome, will result in the stabilization of the lira.

因而,里尼·美第奇可以在里奇银行办理一个转帐手续,从他的公开帐户里把100,000里拉划给里尼·巴尔迪。Thus, Signor Medici might write out a transfer order to the Ricci Bank to transfer 100,000 lira of his open book account at the Bank to Signor Bardi.

在1980年代-1990年代,许多意大利制造商在国外扩张,利用意大利里拉反复贬值的优势降低价格,削弱外国竞争对手。In the 1980s and 1990s, many Italian manufacturers expanded abroad, exploiting the repeated devaluations of the Italian lira to undercut prices of foreign rivals.