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在言语类比推理中,则是视空间模板中的空间成分起主要作用。And for verbal analogies, the spatial component of visuospatial sketchpad has main effect.

这充分表明,语言与视觉空间功能对于数学认知具有重要意义。This indicates that language and visuospatial functions are both key to mathematical cognition.

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研究中使用非语文刺激的视空间促发作业。The visuospatial priming paradigm with non-verbal stimulus, e. g. , location, was employed in this study.

情境模型空间维度更新是文本阅读研究的重要内容,当前研究集中在更新的条件及其影响因素两个方面。The study explored the influence of directions and visuospatial WM span on the process of spatial situation model updating.

本研究针对于现今研究的空缺,探讨工作记忆系统中的语音环路和视空间模板在同底数幂比较大小运算中的参与作用。This study was to explore the role of the phonological loop, the visuospatial sketch pad in the comparison of the same base powers.

高视觉-空间工作记忆广度者比低视觉-空间工作记忆广度者更多地使用了问题模型表征方式。The effect of visuospatial working memory span on problem representation was significant on three kinds of mathematical problem solving.

相对于其他视觉空间认知加工任务,表象扫描加工表现出了相对较低的认知可塑性水平。It was concluded that compared to other visuospatial cognitive tasks, a relatively lower plasticity was showed in scanning image process.

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且早期主要以视空间能力、时间定向力、地点定向力及执行功能障碍为主要特点。Its main clinical features in early stage VCI were deterioration of visuospatial skills, orientation to time and place, executing skills.

同语音环和视空间模板相比,中央执行在儿童算术认知加工中的作用显得更为关键。Compared to the phonological loop and the visuospatial sketch pad, the central executive may have a key role in childrens arithmetic cognition.

而从伊拉克回国后大约75天再次接受测试,受试者在注意力、语言学习和视觉空间的测试上表现明显下降。But when tested again about 75 days after returning from Iraq, they scored significantly worse on tests of attention, verbal learning and visuospatial memory.

结论未见半侧空间忽视发生率与脑血管病患者的性别、年龄、病程、受教育年限之间有相关性。ConclusionThe occurrence rate of visuospatial hemi-neglect appears to be independent from male or female, age, course of disease and education level of study subjects.

结论我国汉族NLD儿童视觉空间认知存在缺陷,其行为问题可能与此有关。Conclusion The NLD children in Chinese Han nationality have deficits in visuospatial cognitive ability, which may be one of the causes resulted in their behavior problem.

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这项研究支持先前关于女性酗酒者在工作记忆、视觉空间技能和精神运动速度的测试中较男性酗酒者得分低的发现。The study corroborated previous research that found female alcoholics scored lower than their male counterparts in tests that assessed working memory, visuospatial skills and psychomotor speed.

研究验证了方位效应的稳定性,发现了视空间工作记忆广度对空间情境模型更新的影响。The results validated the direction effect in the process of spatial situation model updating, and found the influence of visuospatial WM span on the process of spatial situation model updating.

在认知能力的性别差异研究中,视觉空间能力是体现性别差异最明显的一种能力。Gender is one of the most important factors which influences inpidual cognitive level, and visuospatial ability has been regarded as a cognitive one which has the most significant gender differences.