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新邮件。New email.

发张邮件。Send an email.

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电子信函是书写的。Email is Written.

免费邮件支持。Free email support.

电子信函具有时间延迟。Email is Time Delayed.

——我不打电话,我发电子邮件。I don’t call, I email.

我要去收我的电子邮件。I need to check my email.

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风格化的完美电子邮件。Stylize the perfect email.

或者把密码发送到我的邮箱。Or send password to my Email?

为什麽没有人回复我的邮件?Why wasn't my email returned?

你有电子邮箱吗?Have you got an email address?

他给公司发了一封电子邮件。He wrote an email to the firm.

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第七封信——X翼战机Seventh Email – X-Wing Fighter

第三封信——绝地念力Third Email – Jedi Mind Tricks

你本日查过电邮了吗?Did you check your email today?

你得给他们发邮件,然后说,You have to email them and say,

格利夫在电子邮件中写道向法新社。Gleave wrote in an email to AFP.

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也许你们都会有一个邮件地址。And you'll have an email address.

去获取一个朋友专道的电邮地址。Get a friends-only email address.

我在此邮件中附上该信。I have appended it to this email.