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我们还是买露天看台座位好了。Let's just get bleacher seats.

亚氯酸钠是一种新型、高效漂白剂和氧化杀菌剂。Sodium chlorite is a kind of latest, efficient bleacher and bactericide.

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据“看台报告”报道,就在几周后,体重仅有89磅的克莱首战报捷。At just 89 pounds, Clay had his first fight — and his first win — just weeks later, according to Bleacher Report.

当你在看台上为你喜爱的队伍喝彩时,你知道运动员要克服多大的困难吗?When you are cheering for your favourite team on the bleacher , do you understand the difficulties the players have been through ?

他把手慢慢地伸进裤兜里拿出了一个二角五分硬币,将硬币插入那个看台螺钉的槽头,开始旋松它。He slowly reaches into his pocket and reveal sa quarter. He inserts the quarter into the slotted head of the bleacher bolt and loosens it.

Michael在牢房的铁床架上磨着那个六角螺钉的另一端,Sucre躺在的上铺给他望风。Sucre perches on the top bunk acting as lookout over the cell block, while Michael grinds the other end of the bleacher bolt against the steel bunk frame.

做局部处理时,请将本品涂抹在污渍处使之溶解,浸润30分钟后刷洗,不要与氯漂粉、漂水及其他消毒剂一同使用。Regarding local processing, spread this product on the dirt spot and soak for about 30min and then brush, don't use with chlorine bleacher or other disinfectant together.

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不同年龄阶段的棒球爱好者坐在露天看台的座位上和大看台上一边看比赛,一边吃热狗和花生。他们身穿与自己喜欢的球队队服颜色一样的衣服,为自己喜欢的棒球手加油助威。Fans of all ages sit in bleacher seats and grandstands watching, snacking on hot dogs and peanuts, wearing their team's colors and cheering for their boys to be victorious.

清洗时决不能用漂白剂,尽量不要脱水和烘干,要自然风干,以免破坏窗帘本身的质感。Bleacher can be used anything but when cleaning, do not want dehydration and drying as far as possible, want natural airing, lest destroy the simple sense of curtain itself.

从环形形体的标准剖面上来看,看台屋顶是由带有胶合板的钢架梁以及预制混凝土墙支撑。For the typical section of the encircling ring, the bleacher roof is supported on the hybrid beams that composed of steel ribs bolted with glulam and reinforced concrete independent walls.

百富多用途漂渍霸专业漂除顽固污渍、油渍、茶渍、食物渍、果汁、咖啡、调味料、血渍等,使白色衣物及织料更雪白更干净。Bravor bleacher is specialized in bleaching intractable dirt, odor, tea dirt, coffee, blood stain and flavorings, etc that make white cloths and knitted material becoming whiter and cleaner.