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“恐龙”挺有意思,跟我们互动,还跟我们玩躲猫猫。" Dinosaurian " quite interesting, interact with us, still play with us hide cat.

如果你吻一个女人,你的心跳达到30,那肯定是恐龙。If you kiss a woman, your heartbeat is achieved 30, that affirmation is dinosaurian.

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有着恐龙身躯的中粮在它的局部显出了土狼的肌肉。Those who having dinosaurian body is medium grain is in its local the muscle that showed aardwolf.

这类小型恐龙最早出现的时代为晚侏罗世晚期,早白垩世是其繁盛时期。This dinosaurian group arose early in the late Late Jurassic, and flourished in the Early Cretaceous.

讲师甲说这是一块树木化石,讲师乙坚持是一根恐龙腿骨,双方争论不已。Instructor armour says this is a dendrolite, instructor second holds to is a dinosaurian shank, bilateral argument unceasingly.

本次研究在西峡盆地含恐龙蛋地层中首次发现了无脊椎动物化石,如双壳类、叶肢介、腹足类和介形类。Now we have recovered invertebrate fossils, such as bivalves, conchostracans, gastropods and ostracodes, in the dinosaurian egg-bearing strata.

特别是近年来在中国带羽毛恐龙的发现,对于鸟类的恐龙起源假说提供了很多有意义的证据。The discoveries of feathered dinosaurs have provided some of the most significant evidence supporting the dinosaurian origin of birds from China.

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我到那个时候也没把这个当回事,结果一进去,真的有“恐龙”直接走过来,把我吓了一大跳。I also did not become this to at that time a thing, the result goes in, have really " dinosaurian " walk over directly, frightened me jump greatly.

“恐龙下树”的假说结合了鸟类起源于恐龙的学说和鸟类飞行的树栖起源学说,因此也得到了化石证据的支持。The 'Dinosaur-trees-down' hypothesis, which combines the dinosaurian origin of birds and the arboreal hypothesis of avian flight, is thus well collaborated.

根据埋藏情况判定,在周边更大范围内可能存在更多恐龙化石,发掘前景十分乐观。According to bury circumstance judgement, put possibly inside circumjacent bigger range in more and dinosaurian fossil, disentomb foreground is very hopeful.

在河南省汝阳盆地原划分的古近系始新统“蟒川组”中新发现了大量的恐龙化石。Recently, lots of dinosaurs found from the originally named Paleogene "Mangchuan Formation" of the Ruyang Basin of Henan Province form a distinct dinosaurian fauna.

为了探究原因,日本时空管理局派出训练有素的“时代战士”前往恐龙横行的白垩纪调查。For dug reason, japanese spatiotemporal management board is expedited well-trained " times soldier " the investigation of the Cretaceous age that heads for dinosaurian infestation.

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同时,将该恐龙化石遗址的保护、开发、利用工作列入政府建设项目,划拨专款用于保护工作。In the meantime, the protection this dinosaurian fossil relics, development, use the job to include a government to build a project, transfer special funds is used at protecting the job.

恐龙们和小动物们共同生活在小镇里,他们相亲相爱,和睦相处,使得整个城市都充满着欢乐和谐的气氛。Dinosaurian people with puppy people collective life is in small town, they are deeply attached to each other, get along well, make the atmosphere that whole town is full of happy harmony.

恐龙蛋是晚白垩世地层中一类特殊而又珍贵的化石。江西晚白垩世地层分布广泛,发育良好,散见于大小不一、形态各异的近30个盆地中。Dinosaurian egg is a kind of peculiar and precious fossil in the Late Cretaceous strata, which are well-developed and widely distributed in nearly 30 basins of varied sizes and shapes in Jiangxi.