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个体经济是一种具有悠久历史的经济形式。Microeconomic is a kind of economy form that has long history.

利用微观经济学手段,对林分生长过程进行了经济分析。To make an economic analyse to stand growth course by microeconomic technique.

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个体经济学1。使学生瞭解个体经济学的基本分析架构。Microeconomics 1. To introduce students a general framework for microeconomic analysis.

并从微观经济学的角度分析影响岸桥制造成本的主要因素。And from microeconomic angle analysis the main factor which influence QCC production cost.

这种长期的宏观经济趋势是,个人短期微观经济决定的结果。This long term macroeconomic trend is a result of individual short microeconomic decisions.

作为经济及产业部长,他们可能共同制定宏观及微观经济政策。As ministers for economics and industry, they could work together on macro- and microeconomic policy.

宏观调控要想实现其预期的目标,必须不断完善其微观基础。Macroeconomic control have to improve its microeconomic base in order to achieve its anticipative aim.

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现在工厂随时能关闭,这种倒闭是经济趋势的证据,还是微观经济的选择?Now plants close all the time, such closure is the evident of economic trends or microeconomic choices?

从一个微观经济的角度看,在这种背景下,企业也对自己提供的工资感到满意。From a microeconomic perspective, companies are also content with the wages they provide within this context.

然而,最艰难的部分将是保证宏观经济调节的顺利所要求的宏观经济改革。The hardest part, however, will be the microeconomic reforms required to smooth the macroeconomic adjustments.

毛里求斯实施了一整套专项临时性宏观经济干预措施,以帮助遏制社会成本上涨。A set of targeted and temporary microeconomic interventions was put in place and helped to contain social costs.

基于微观经济学方法和群体智能算法,设计了一种网格作业分配机制。A grid job assignment scheme is proposed on the basis of the microeconomic method and swarm intelligence algorithm.

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布朗先生大体上实现了宏观经济目标并且通过微观经济政策达到了社会期望。He largely achieved his macroeconomic goals and did well enough with his microeconomic policies, as far as they went.

就处理零交易费用类模型的新古典微观经济学教材而言,科斯无疑是正确的。Coase is certainly right with respect to neoclassical microeconomic textbooks that deal with models of zero-transaction-cost type.

经济学家试图将这一理论运用到一些宏观经济学的领域,例如为什么垄断会导致高价格出现。Economists have also been right to apply his theory to a range of microeconomic issues, such as why monopolists set higher prices.

这种微观经济研究为主张移动电话与经济增长之间存在联系的宏观经济分析提供了支持。Such microeconomic studies provide support for macroeconomic analyses that suggest a link between mobile phones and economic growth.

报告建议政府可以通过减少对创新方面的微观经济决策的干预来推动创新。The government could promote innovation by refraining from involvement in microeconomic decisions on innovation, the report recommends.

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让一家银行倒闭或许在微观经济层面上有意义,但是让多家大银行歇业在宏观经济层面上来说是具有灾难性的。Letting one bank fail may make sense on a microeconomic level but letting many large banks fail can be catastrophic on a macroeconomic level.

新模型系统地论述了差异影响下个体城市自中心向外缘扩展的微观经济学机理。The new model systematically studies the microeconomic dynamics of individual urban expansion to the margin areas under different impactions.

文章分别论述了宏观经济调控政策与微观经济规制政策的内容、有效性及存在理由。The paper discusses macroeconomic regulation policy and microeconomic regulation policys content, validity, and existence reason respectively.