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层积处理对胚根的生长有利。Stratification was good for radicle growth.

天然地层大多数情况下都是成层分布的。Natural stratum is distributed mostly in stratification.

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荀子理论中蕴涵着丰富的社会分层思想。Xunzi's theory contains the idea of social stratification.

而在涨潮时垂向混合较强,表底分层不明显。Meanwhile, the water stratification is weak during the flood tide.

对海滩沉积物的层理进行了着重研究。The stratification of beach deposits has been studied particularly.

黄连种子需要在低温条件下才能解除休眠。The seeds of Coptis chinensis need stratification to break dormancy.

而这个民族开始形成一个重要的社会阶层。There began to be considerable social stratification within this people.

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两冬一夏沙藏层积处理可以提高播种育苗的效果。Two winters and one summer stratification can raise seedling emergence rate.

根据得分,结节性质和组织学分级来分层。Stratification was by performance score, nodal status and histological grade.

第三章是大众文化分层之文艺生成性研究。Chapter Three is about the study of popular culture stratification generation.

玉有成百上千种,很难用一种统一的方法对其进行分类。The stratification of jade varies and hard to categorize with only one measure.

高等教育的迅速扩张导致了教育体系的等级分化。With the quick expansion of higher education came stratification of the system.

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同一阶段各土层种子数差异不大。In different stratification of same stage, the number of seeds is nearly the same.

由任何液体推进剂喷注器所产生的喷雾都存在某些成层现象。Some stratification exists in the spray produced by any liquid propellant injector.

因为在十九世纪,他对阶层化提出恢宏的构想。For in the nineteenth century he developed a grandiose conception of stratification.

只有通过低温层积处理过的种子才出现较高的发芽率。Only those seeds appeared the high germination percentage by the cold stratification.

种子休眠的程度和层积处理的需要因采集地点不同而有差异。The degree of seed dormancy and the stratification requirements varied with provenance.

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商业化及拜金主义严重侵蚀着社会生活各个层面。The trade and the mammonism seriously corrodes the society lives each stratification plane.

不管在哪个行业中,一般都会存在和执行等级结构。No matter the purpose of the business, stratification typically exists and must be enforced.

冷湿层化对10种植物的种子萌发有显著影响。Cold-wet stratification had significant effects on the seed germination of 10 kinds of plants.