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你安静下来,我的小鹅。You just quiet down, my gosling.

我们都指望你,傻帽。We're all relying on you, gosling.

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在停工的那个月,斯安弗朗斯希望能够“粉碎新鲜感,”高斯林说。During that month off, Cianfrance wanted to "destroy the newness, " Gosling says.

在停工的那个月,斯安弗朗斯希望能够“粉碎新鲜感,”高斯林说。During that month off, Cianfrance wanted to “destroy the newness, ” Gosling says.

细菌学检查小鹅瘟在普通光学显微镜下看不到病原体。Gosling Plague bacteriology in ordinary optical microscope can not see pathogens.

高林斯扮演雅各布,一个玩世不恭却女人缘极好的花花公子。Gosling plays Jacob, a playboy whose wild ways impress everyone but the girl he wants.

很难相信那个拥有稀薄的头发和难堪的行为方式的人会是高斯林,但是他确实是。It's hard to tell it's even Gosling under that thinning hair and that sour demeanor, but it is.

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于是,鹅妈妈拿着刀子,叮嘱小鹅宝宝要紧紧的跟在她身后。So the mother goose took the carving knife and set forth with the little gosling close behind her.

一种野生天大的加拿大鹅雏鹅寻找食物,一花场附近的一个罗斯堡,美国俄勒冈州池塘。A wild days-old Canada goose gosling looks for food in a flowery field near a pond in Roseburg, Ore.

所以不能接受的,迷恋他在近期的表现疯狂,愚蠢,爱的小鹅球迷呢?Was this so unacceptable to Gosling fans entranced by his recent performance in Crazy, Stupid, Love?

波波是一只蓝色的小鸭子,嗜吃,凡事都想尝试。BooBoo is a curious blue gosling who likes to eat. She likes to eat everything. Well, almost everything.

我认为,他有机会角逐奥斯卡最佳男主角奖。I personally believe, Gosling has a great chance to be nominated as the Best Actor in Oscar again this year.

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以扬州鹅初生雏鹅为试验对象,研究在绝食条件下雏鹅对卵黄囊营养吸收与利用的规律。The experiment was conducted to study the nutrition absorption and utilization in yolk sac of fasting gosling.

结果表明,该野外分离病毒为小鹅瘟强毒株,命名为YZ-0703株。The result demonstrated that the virus was a high virulent strain of gosling plague virus and designated as YZ0703.

雷蒙德高斯林是威尔金斯的毕业研究生,兰德尔博士曾指定他和富兰克林博士一同研究DNA。Raymond Gosling was Dr. Wilkins’s graduate student whom Dr. Randall had reassigned to work on DNA with Dr. Franklin.

在他的博客中,戈斯林简单描述道,甲骨文在购买Sun的同时,应该是对起诉Google的前景感到很兴奋的。In his blog, Gosling basically told how Oracle was excited about the prospect of suing Google while shopping for Sun.

高斯林和他的合作者米歇尔·威廉姆斯一起获得了金球奖的戏剧电影类最佳表演奖的提名。Both Gosling and his co-star Michelle Williams are nominated for Golden Globes in the Best Acting in a Drama category.

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种鹅接种小鹅瘟疫苗,是预防本病的最经济有效途径。Inoculating breeding gooses with gosling plague bacterin is the most economical and effective way to prevent gosling plague.

曼城又签进西尔瓦和科拉罗夫,利物浦签了科尔,纽卡签了哥斯林。Manchester City snap up David Silva and Aleksandr Kolarov while Liverpool sign Joe Cole and Dan Gosling joins Newcastle United.

取死于具有小鹅瘟典型症状的7日龄吉林白鹅脾脏,制成乳剂,接种于未免疫小鹅瘟疫苗的健康母鹅所产种蛋的12日龄鹅胚尿囊腔。With 12 days goose embryo produced by healthy geese, a strain of virus was isolated from the spleen of 7 days old gosling died from gosling plaque.