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现在格纳森瑙躺在基尔港。Now the Gneisenau lay in Kiel.

慕尼黑,基尔和斯图加特是进度最快的。Munich, Kiel and Stuttgart were the fastest.

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基尔是一个环境优美、绿树成荫的美丽城市。Kiel is a beautiful environment, beautiful tree-lined city.

哈伊比上星期六在德国北部城市基尔被捕。El Hajdib was detained last Saturday in the northern German city of Kiel.

我们被迫在基尔呆一天才动身去哥本哈根。We were forced to spend an entire day in Kiel before leaving for Copenhagen.

1880年,法国人基尔梅发明了链条,用它带动后轮旋转。In 1880, the French Kiel Mei Faming the chain, use it to drive the rear wheels spin.

你说怪不怪,Kiel博士在进行了进一步观察后,发现这些岩石中也有鲨鱼卵化石。Lo and behold! when Dr Kiel looked more closely, these rocks, too, contained fossil shark eggs.

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在每年一度的富有传统的“基尔周”活动中,来自世界各地的帆船运动员都要在此一决胜负。In the rich tradition of the annual "Kiel Week", from all over the world yachtsman be in this match.

基尔于1242年被特许建立,1284年加入自由日尔曼城市商人联盟,1773年转入丹麦,1866年曾被普鲁士占有。Chartered in 1242, Kiel joined the Hanseatic League in 1284, passed to Denmark in 1773, and was annexed by Prussia in 1866.

于是我几乎在整个假期里都在“青岛-基尔帆船夏令营”学习航行和竞赛规则。So I have been studying sailing and the racing rules for almost a whole summer holiday in the Qingdao and Kiel sailing camp.

2008年,他被授予军队荣誉爵士、米兰多拉奖、基尔世界经济奖等多项荣誉。In 2008 he was named Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, awarded the Premio Pico della Mirandola and the Kiel Global Economy Prize.

对此很感兴趣的弗赖堡和汉堡的官员们干脆亲临基尔去看项目进展。Officials from two other cities, Freiburg and Hamburg, were so interested that they came to Kiel to get a first-hand look at the project.

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在此之前,他担任过基尔大学和乌尔姆大学教授,范德堡大学访问教授。His previous positions included professorships at the Universities of Kiel and Ulm as well as a visiting professorship at Vanderbilt University.

本文简要介绍了基尔大学应用物理研究所对西德沿海某些水文要素进行常规调查的方法和特点。The metuhod and feature of conventional hydrological survey at the institute of applied physics kiel university of west germany are introduced in this pa-per.

1922年石里克成为维也纳那学感应科学哲学的教授,此前他在罗斯托克和基尔的任职均不满足。In 1922, Schlick became a professor in the philosophy of inductive sciences at the University of Vienna after two unsatisfying appointments in Rostock and Kiel.