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书目引用方式亦有其严格规范。Bibliographical citations also are tightly structured.

书目记录的质量至关重要。The quality of bibliographical records is very important.

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记住,没有书目信息的文章是毫无用处的,因为你不能引用他们。Remember that an article without bibliographical information is useless since you cannot cite its source.

当局并会为一个更加广泛的研究出版物清单会被发现的书目注释。Authorities and a list of publications for a more extended study will be found in the Bibliographical Note.

逻辑性是文献编目的基本原则,对于编目员正确理解与操作机读目录的著录具有重要意义。Logic is a basic principle in cataloging, and is important in bibliographical description for MARC records.

本文提出了在编目工作中对种次号的改进方法,并将改进后的种次号应用于工作实践。The writer recommend the way to improve the sort number in Bibliographical work, and put the method in use.

共享教学资源,例如教学工具,课程及工作坊模式,参考书目等。Sharing didactical resources such as teaching tools, course and workshop formats, bibliographical references.

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美国国会图书馆号码美国国会图书馆采用的书目资料分类方法。号码印于扉页背面。Library of congress number usa system for bibliographical data. the number is printed on the back of the title-page.

对目前有关“书目情报理论”问题的讨论作简略介绍与评论。A brief introduction to and a comment on the discussion of "the theory of bibliographical information" are presented.

近年来,图书情报系统发展主流模式正在逐步走向虚拟信息服务系统。In recent years, the main trend of the bibliographical information system is gradually leading to a suppositional one.

以下为与本课程相关之可下载的课堂讲稿与参考书目。Below are downloadable sets of lecture notes and bibliographical references for readings used in conjunction with lectures.

每章结尾书目详细调查,其中包括有关术语和其他困难点笔记。Each chapter ends with a detailed bibliographical survey, which includes notes on terminology and other points of difficulty.

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例如,注解通常仅有一句,而书目条列则往往长达三句之多。For example, while an endnote generally is one sentence long, a bibliographical entry often is expected to be three sentences.

请附上个人简历和书目数据,以便将它一起在目录提出的工作发表。Please attach biographical and bibliographical data in order to have it published alongside the submitted work in the catalogue.

依靠文献来源而得到的信息未列入这个概要性的表格,因为它们太参差不齐了。The information based on bibliographical sources has not been included in the synoptic table because they were too heterogeneous.

依靠文献来源而得到的资讯未列入这个概要性的表格,因为它们太参差不齐了。The information based on bibliographical sources has not been included in the synoptic table because they were too heterogeneous.

对书目情报、书目文献等类型划分情况作了一次比较与分析。The article is aiming at the comparative study on the classifications of bibliographical information and bibliographical documents.

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Zotero将为你自动的提取其中的参考书目信息甚至可以你的保存的文档里创建全文。Zotero will automatically extract the bibliographical information for you and it can even create a full-text archive of your saved documents.

收集了二十四史目录中有关针灸书目的史料,论述了正史目录在针灸医学史发展中的作用与贡献。The role of the catalogue of bibliographical history books in the development of medical history of acupuncture and moxibustion was discussed.

该书包含了导论、维多利亚一生主要事迹年表、相关书目以及综合词汇表。The book includes an introduction, a timeline of the principal events in Vitoria's life, a bibliographical note as well as a comprehensive glossary.