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玛莎听到锁轻轻地发出咔嗒一声。Marsha heard the lock click softly.

玛莎的态度一向乐观。Marsha always has a bright attitude.

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他们把约翰和玛莎配成一对跳舞。They paired John and Marsha for the dance.

我并不想多管闲事,不过告诉我你跟马莎怎么了。Well, I know what time Chester and Marsha said.

效仿玛莎·布雷迪为了头发亮泽,一天梳头100次?As for Marsha Brady's 100 strokes a day for shine?

马莎坚持要进戴维的办公室。Marsha was insisting on admission to David's office.

玛莎已经遭受失眠之苦好久了。Marsha had been suffering from insomnia for a long time.

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玛莎去克利夫兰时,弗罗在机场为她送行。When Marsha flew to Cleveland, Flo saw her off at the airport.

你知道有谁和一个叫玛莎医生的人一起工作的吗?So you know anyone who works for someone named Dr. Marsha Fieldstone ?

我并不想多管闲事,不过告诉我你跟马莎怎么了。I don't mean to be nosy, but tell me what happened between you and Marsha.

同样,我的朋友玛莎会获得包括磁带在内所需要的激励。Also, my friend Marsha would get impulses on which tapes needed to be included.

马莎喜欢他,而且只是想跟他做朋友,所以她很快就道了歉。Marsha soon apologized because she liked Squizzy and just wanted to be friends.

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我是芝加哥的玛莎•菲尔德斯通医生,希望所有听众度过一个神奇而快乐的圣诞。I'm Dr. Marsha Fieldstone in Chicago, and to all my listeners, a magical and merry Christmas.

马莎很纳闷该怎么做,因为她每天在班上都见到同样的小孩。Marsha wondered how she could do this because she saw the same kids in class every single day.

心理学有很多科学方法,对于玛沙这一类的人应该做什么,不应该做什么。The science of psychology has a lot to say about what works and doesn't work for people like Marsha.

玛莎把汤洒在了那位女士的腿上,老板都冲她喊了,她依然脸不变色心不跳的。Even when the boss yelled at Marsha for dropping the soup in the lady's lap, she kept a stiff upper lip.

玛莎把汤洒在了那位女士的腿上,老板都冲她喊了,她依然脸不变色心不跳的。Even when the boss yelled at Marsha for dropping the soup in the lady's lap, she kept a stiff upper lip.

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马莎迷上了这只动物,当松鼠突然开口说他叫史奎奇时,马莎变得很兴奋。Marsha was attracted to the animal and became excited when suddenly the squirrel said his name was Squizzy.

今晚的话题是“你的愿望和梦想”,我们正在与一位来自西雅图的听众通话。Marsha Fieldstone and tonight' s topic is "Your Wishes and Dreams" and we' re on the line now someone from Seattle.

实际上,这些对婴儿配方奶粉安全性和营养性检查的不情愿,将消费者对更好质量产品的需求压力不断降低。In fact, this unwillingness to explore the safety and nutritional competency of infant formulas retards consumer pressure for better quality product. Marsha Walker, R. N.