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他正忙着一边喝啤酒一边为辛辛那提队加油呢。He's busy heckling Cincinnati and drinking a beer.

下一届世界合唱节将在美国辛辛那提市举行。The next World Choir Games will be held in Cincinnati.

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欢迎您浏览辛辛那提大学主校园的视频介绍。Welcome to the student-created video tour of the University of Cincinnati.

学院山基础学园,磁石学校,辛辛那提公立学校。College Hill Fundamental Academy, magnet school, Cincinnati Public Schools.

2004年,一个纪念“地下铁路”的中心将在辛辛那提州成立。In 2004 a center in honor of the "underground railroad" opens in Cincinnati.

一只母麦克里妖怪竹节虫在辛辛那提动物园的一条树枝上仔细思考。A female Macleay specter stick insect pauses on a branch at the Cincinnati Zoo.

一只雌性麦克里幽灵竹节虫在辛辛那提动物园的一条树枝上休息。A female Macleay's specter stick insect pauses on a branch at the Cincinnati Zoo.

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你再这样没信心下去,恐怕连辛辛那提的红队和芝加哥的白袜队你都会害怕了!Be careful or you will fear even the Reds of Cincinnati and the White Sox of Chicago.

在塞尔马或辛辛那提发生的是关系到每个美国人的合法问题。What happens in Selma or in Cincinnati is a matter of legitimate concern to every American.

格雷戈里现在是辛辛那提大学的校长和法律教授。Gregory Williams is now the president and a professor of law at the University of Cincinnati.

辛辛那提动物园道他们动物园中的一只非洲猎豺已经成为世界上最快的百米短跑冠军。The Cincinnati Zoo says one of its cheetahs has become the fastest 100m sprinter in the world.

我们注意到你在辛辛那提赢了佩特洛娃的时候膝盖受伤了。We watched you play after you suffered the knee injury in your win over Petrova in Cincinnati.

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穆雷赢得了第八座大师赛的冠军,并且也是今年既辛辛那提大师赛后的第二座大师赛冠军。Murray won his eighth Masters-level tournament overall and his second of the year after Cincinnati.

纳达尔在意外输掉最近的辛辛那提大师赛后面对比赛更显冷静。The player, who surprisingly lost in the recent Cincinnati Masters, is cool-headed ahead of the Games.

上周五美国公布一项消费者汽车购买调查结果。In a nationwide survey by the Cincinnati -based research firm Directions Research Inc. published Friday.

冲洗系统由4个铝制的扇形喷嘴,喷嘴上有一个115度的平面图案。The Cincinnati Flusher system consists of four aluminum fan type nozzles with a 115-degree flat pattern.

一位法官说,她之前处理过类似的案子,那次是苯乙烯从辛辛那堤市附近的一节火车车厢溢出来。One judge said she had already dealt with a similar case when styrene spilled out of rail car near Cincinnati.

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而如果你更向往城市中的豪华居处及室内活动,离这儿不远便是辛辛那提。If you're more inclined towards city ritz or indoor activities, skip this area and move on along to Cincinnati.

辛辛那提市的大学发表了一项研究,当你的女友裸体时感觉良好,她马上就会来了。A study by the University of Cincinnati revealed that if your girl feels good when she’s naked, she’ll come sooner.

辛辛那提机床公司和兰姆特克尼肯公司同属美国优诺发制造技术集团子公司。Cincinnati Machine, along with its Lamb Technicon counterpart, is a division of UNOVA Manufacturing Technologies Group.